vB Optimise not saving as much queries as before after setting up slave DBs

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We recently setup a slave DB on each web server. Dedicated master DB server is set to write; local slave DB on each web server set to read.

Before the addition of the slave DBs, vB Optimise resource saving would tell me daily that I've saved ~4.5 million queries a day.

Now it would drop down to only ~100,000/day vs. 4.5 million/day before.

Is vB Optimise not able to recognize the slave DB configurations on each web server (found in config.php)? Doesn't seem like it's saving the same amount of queries to the DB (reading process)/which is now handled via the slave DB's.

Seriously a week and still no response. With such a high price tag, you'd think there's support teams answering questions.
Just a note that i've sent some message to the developer Deceptor who is indisposed at the moment - Unfortunately he is the person in our team with (by far) the most server expertise, so no one else would really be able to assist you in identifying what changes you made to your setup could have impacted the effect of vBOptimise.

So is there any ETA on when the developer is coming back to give support for his product?

The changes I made was to push the performance of a big-board site even further, same as vB Optimise's goal.
Two optimisation methods may have incompatibilities with eachother, though :)

I believe the method in which vBOptimise hooks into queries in order to cache them may specifically look for queries that come from the main server. I'm not sure if it's possible to change this.

However, with a Slave server setup, you're already eliminating the primary reason why vBOptimise's query caching exists - to save queries to the same server your web site itself is on.

The rest of the product should still provide a good benefit - and 100k queries is still quite a large savings.
There's a dedicated master DB server set to WRITE,

each web server has a slave DB set to READ.

so VBOptimise should still be able to cache those queries from reading from those 2 web servers via their local slave DBs.
You did already mention how master and slave servers work :)

That doesn't mean that vBulletin expose the queries in the same way as a single-server setup would, though.
Quite disappointing.

I guess nothing can be done without the original developer... right?

100,000 queries saved versus 4 million/day before is nothing. Especially for a big high traffic site.
It's true, we're not as familiar with the code or the way vBO caches queries as the original developer.

That doesn't mean that there's a guarantee he could make it work. It could be a limitation in vBulletin that would be impossible to overcome.
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