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I have a few questions.
#1 . The PayPal I use for the site is not linked to my username here is that a problem for purchasing?
#2 . I would like to get Lifetime on all the plugins but don't want to wait that long. I was thinking go Pro on each plugin for 3 months and extend them as the funds come in. Is this possible?

Thank You in advance for any info provided.

Please move this to the correct section.
1. The first time you purchase, you will be asked to confirm your PayPal email address with our system. You will need access to the email address that you use to log in to PayPal with, and you will need to ensure you can receive emails from any "" addresses.

2. You can indeed do that, but you should keep in mind that there's a small surcharge on upgrading your licence length. In other words, if Lifetime is $50 and 3 months is $10, upgrading would cost slightly more than $40 :)
I can get e-mails at the other e-mail listed with PayPal but when I go to your check out it goes great until the end then tells me I wasn't charged.
So I had to let PayPal squeeze me for a bit more to transfer it to my other account that your check out system accepted.
Why did PayPal charge you more money? Either way I am glad to see you have successfully made your first purchase. :)
Sorry I am kind of an idiot at this.
I am trying to fill out User Licence Settings and have never done this for any other plugins I purchased.
Ohhh, Title is the title of your site, usually what you set in vboption, Forum Name, found in ACP * Settings * Options Site Name / URL / Contact Details. Basically the title of your site.
Thank you very much. I have now completed the transaction and selected the option to remember it as all plugins will be used at the same site.
Now I can concentrate on why it wouldn't allow my purchase from the site account.
Been a long 17 hour day. Sorry for the incomplete posts.
Sorry to bother you again but I removed the VB Donate lite version and installed the pro.
Now I have a red box underneath the contribution box.
I know it is probably something I did or neglected to do but I could use some help with this issue.
Thank You in advance.


  • good.jpg
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I downloaded the package but can not find Execute SQL Query. I can see a Execute SQL Query but it tells me "You are not authorized to execute SQL queries"
So I am still stuck with that big ugly red box.
Could you please help me again?
Thank You
Your user id must be set to be able to do so in the setting, USERS WITH QUERY RUNNING PERMISSIONS found in your includes/config.php file, so it should look something like this:

	//	The users specified here will be allowed to run queries from the control panel.
	//	See the above entries for more information on the format.
	//	Please note that the ability to run queries is quite powerful. You may wish
	//	to remove all user IDs from this list for security reasons.
$config['SpecialUsers']['canrunqueries'] = '1';

On that note I am closing this thread, any further questions need to be posted as separate issues in the vBDonate Professional Support forum. As this forum is only for off topic questions, not for product support. ;)
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