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Tom McIntyre

I have installed the lite version of vB Donate on our 4.2.1 test site Activity Stream - National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors Message Board.

We have been running Valter's PayPal donate for some time now and I want to be sure that the pro version will let me import the history to the new system.

I also prefer the donation bar setup from the Vsa version since I am very stingy with vertical space on our forums. Will I be able to restyle the donation bar to look like the one we have now, or should I just be content to move it to the bottom?
Yes the Pro version will allow you to import the info from Valters hack, as long as you don't uninstall hes mod before importing the info. I am pretty sure you can change the bar enough with the options to get it close to his. If not you can always hit me up in the support forum for some help with it.
I downloaded the pro version and uploaded the upload folder over the top of the lite version.

I then disabled the lite version and imported the pro xml. However, it still shows the lite version in the Product List under plug ins and products. I presume I did something wrong.

Is there another forum for product support?

I am planning to take my test site live this weekend. I am hoping to sort this out today (Monday 6/10).

When I was purchasing the software, I was warned that the Branding Free Option required the product and it was not in my cart. Actually the life version of the product was in my cart but apparently your selection logic did not recognize that name. The branding free key was not added to my readme file.
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OK, I figured out after a bit of head scratching and noticing that the branding message said pro that I had probably downloaded the product correctly and it was only the title in the product file that was off. However, I still do not know where to look for the tool to import the Vsa PayPal Donate data.

I then loaded the separate download of the branding free to get the key.

The table structure for this mod has a lot more data than the VSa mod. I could just write a query to move the data but I understand that you have already done it right.

There is a module in the actions folder that looks like it may be it from the name. Can I just run that to do the import?
I decided to delete everything and reinstall. The vBDonate menu showed up in AdminCP and I was able to do my import.

all is good but there are still some wierd links in the vBDonate Dashboard.
Weird links like what? I'll check it out, when I look into the other issue you posted about.
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