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When I installed the Hack I got this error :

Warning: fetch_template() calls should be replaced by the vB_Template class. Template name: Marquee_Text in [path]/includes/functions.php on line 3957

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /var/www/includes/class_core.php(4020) : eval()'d code on line 668

And when I uninstalled it, it's still the same ?

What can I do please, it's so important, now I desactived the Hook System but I really need it because i'm using hacks like vBseo etc..

Please, I need help.

This doesn't appear to be an error with infopanels since it does not use a template by that name :)

Did you install any other mods recently? Try disabling all your products and re enable them one by one until you find the culprit :)
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Fillip H., I confirm it's an error with infopanels.. But I don't see any template name in the error I putted..

Is there any coder here please ?

Thanks !
Sorry I didn't know, I was waiting for a blue guy.
Remuneration will be offered to the person who can help me to fix that. Just contact me.

I can take a look at it if you give me your website URL and an account with admin access to at least Styles and Plugins. I'll be able to track down exactly what's causing this and fix it :)
It has just come to our attention that you have attempted to defraud us by reversing paypal transactions.

As such you are ineligible for any support and we will be filing DMCA notifications on any website you attempt to host our products on.

You do not have the right to use any of our products, Lite or Pro, on any website you own from this moment forward.

Any you may have installed must be removed immediately.


Hey !

That's right, Paypal blocked the transaction for furthers investigations but it was MY paypal account.
And please fix yourself I'm not using any of your products, because when I got the mail from Paypal I tryied to uninstall the product..

Send me an email on my Paypal email account you will see, and if i was a frauder, I will not come here and ask for support.

Hey !

That's right, Paypal blocked the transaction for furthers investigations but it was MY paypal account.
And please fix yourself I'm not using any of your products, because when I got the mail from Paypal I tryied to uninstall the product..

Send me an email on my Paypal email account you will see, and if i was a frauder, I will not come here and ask for support.


Negative. Paypal confirmed it was a reversal from your account. Not an investigation from them.

The fact you run a Warez site kinda confirms your intentions =)

So long as you do not attempt to install/distribute any of our products we will be taking no further action.

The original issue has been fixed, it was a modification that was created for vB3.x which did not work properly on vB4.x :)
For those wondering, Destroy claimed that it was a mix-up on paypals end.

Since his site was not distributing vBulletin products (or any of our products) and his vBulletin license (as well as his license for his skin) was legitimate, we decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Here's hoping we don't regret it =)

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