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New member
I'm getting the following error:

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was invalid.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.exception_trace,#0 /home1/avianati/public_html/core/vb/api/wrapper.php(101): vB_Api->checkApiState('callNamed') #1 [internal function]: vB_Api_Wrapper->__call('callNamed', Array) #2 [internal function]: vB_Api_Wrapper->callNamed('ajax', Array) #3 /home1/avianati/public_html/core/vb/api/logwrapper.php(61): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #4 /home1/avianati/public_html/includes/api/interface/collapsed.php(77): vB_Api_Logwrapper->__call('callNamed', Array) #5 /home1/avianati/public_html/includes/api/interface/collapsed.php(77): vB_Api_Logwrapper->callNamed('ajax', Array) #6 /home1/avianati/public_html/includes/vb5/frontend/applicationlight.php(249): Api_Interface_Collapsed->callApi('vbshout_shoutbo...', 'ajax', Array, true) #7 [internal function]: vB5_Frontend_ApplicationLight->handleAjaxApi() #8 /home1/avianati/public_html/includes/vb5/frontend/applicationlight.php(171): call_user_func(Array) #9 /home1/avianati/public_html/index.php(38): vB5_Frontend_ApplicationLight->execute() #1 0 {main}errormsg,Error API Error
Error: Your submission could not be processed because a security token was invalid.<br /> <br /> If this occurred unexpectedly, please <a href="%1$s">inform the administrator</a> and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
occurred in file /home1/avianati/public_html/core/vb/api.php on line 445

I get this while just sitting idle on the page, other users have gotten it when posting forum messages, posting to the shoutbox, just reading forums. I don't know if it's vbshout related, necessarily, but it does say vbshout at the top, so I thought I'd ask here.

Any thoughts?
This means the forum was unable to automatically refresh the security token or your IP address changed since it was generated.

It's not related to vBShout - vBShout merely requires it to securely submit your shout.
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