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That's not currently possible, but it's one of the areas we're hoping to improve for a future version :)
ok I founded, the hack work fine if the text is between tag hide, if I don't use tag hide so I click only on Require Thanks to see Content the hack does not work definitively, same if I remove the modification, big problem!
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In order for the text to be hidden and the mod to work correctly it must be inside the hide tags.
It has always needed the hide /hide tags in order for the post to be hidden and requiring thanks and such for the content to be un hidden.
Thanks line
<center><img src="dbtech/thanks/images/Thanks1.png" alt="" /></center>

Then Click on Save.

Attachments line

<center><img src="dbtech/thanks/images/Attach1.png" alt="" /></center>

Then Click on Save.

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vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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