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I'm close to buying the Pro version of this. I just have a couple of pre-sales questions:

1. Do all the features, including the 403 Access Restricted header feature added in version 10 work with PHP 5.3 please? (I ask this because the author of this mod HTTP Error Response Codes by BOP5 (Help reduce "soft 404" errors for improved SEO) - Forum claims this same feature requires PHP 5.4 with his mod).

2. Do you have any clients running this on Litespeed? If not I would like to pay for the installation service to try to minimise problems. Litespeed is a lot more similar to Apache than Nginx but there might stil be some issues.

Thank for your time.
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1. Do all the features, including the 403 Access Restricted header feature added in version 10 work with PHP 5.3 please? (I ask this because the author of this mod HTTP Error Response Codes by BOP5 (Help reduce "soft 404" errors for improved SEO) - Forum claims this same feature requires PHP 5.4 with his mod).
We implemented a workaround for this in PHP 5.3 provided by the comments on the manual page for the code used by BOP5.

We cannot guarantee it will work in Litespeed, however. I would recommend trying the Lite version before buying Pro :)
We implemented a workaround for this in PHP 5.3 provided by the comments on the manual page for the code used by BOP5.

We cannot guarantee it will work in Litespeed, however. I would recommend trying the Lite version before buying Pro :)

That's great about the PHP 5.3 workaround.

Regarding Litespeed. Ideally I would just buy the Pro version straight off because I will need to import the same URL format settings from VBSEO. However.....

I noticed that in my .htaccess file for VBSEO there are these extra lines. I think I got these from someone on the VBSEO support forum originally:

# Litespeed rules added
$HTTP["host"] == "" {
server.document-root = "/path to my website/public_html/"
url.rewrite-once = (
"^/forum/(sitemap.*\.(xml|txt)(\.gz)?)$" => "/forum/vbseo_sitemap/vbseo_getsitemap.php?sitemap=$1",
"^(/forum/(admincp/|modcp/|clientscript/|cpstyles/|images/|customavatars/|api\.php|vbseo_sitemap/).*)$" => "$1",
"^(/forum/vbseo/resources/(css|images|scripts)/.*)$" => "$1",
"^(/favicon\.ico|/robots\.txt|.*clear\.gif)$" => "$1",
"^/forum/(.+)\?(.*)$" => "/forum/vbseo.php?$2",
"^/forum/(.+)$" => "/forum/vbseo.php"

If I had to do extra things to make VBSEO work on Litespeed and you guys don't yet have any experience of installing DBSEO on Litespeed it's not that encouraging! I guess I will have to set up a copy of my forum for testing and install the Lite version and see. Anyway I just wanted to share the htacces code with you in case you had any comments or in case it was useful in any way. Thanks
If it works on vBSEO, you can simply replace all references to vbseo with dbseo and it should continue to work as expected :)
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