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Former Developer
Is it possible to set the Random selection of TT decks so that it picks from a select few choices?

For example, setting the deck to be only one element, and then a random chance of the cards within that element being picked on a per level basis?

If so, how can it be done?
hmm i'm not sure i quite get what your trying to say, do you mean you want a deck to contain only one element (so 110 cards all with fire element as an example) or do you mean when you purchase a card pack out of the shop you want it only to contain certain cards with certain elements?

to do that you'd need to add a new TT deck for purchase then if i'm right in saying you'd have to manually select all the cards with the element you wanted from that deck (for example Pokémon deck for fire you'd have vulpix, magma, etc etc) then you'd then alter the chances of getting those via the levels bit. i'll look into this and see what i can come up with. but in theory i think that should work.
That latter description is exactly what I want to do. The problem has been when I do that, for example, 5 random cards plus all of one element, then I end up with 5 random cards from the whole lot available, plus every single one of the elements. Everyway I've tried it seems to end up with either random over everything, or a set selection.

I've got issues with randomization as mentioned in another thread I'm waiting a response on, so maybe they're interlinked. I'm using the Lite version.
i'll have a look into our one and see what i can find

EDIT: Ok what i've found is currently theres no way to set each individual cards %age limit that you select from the list of "DECK WILL INCLUDE" basically what that option is for is to specifically include any cards selected from that list to be included alongside any randoms.

what i'll do is ask Deceptor to add this as a feature in future versions to be able to select sepcific %ages for cards you want included in there to make your packs more customizable.
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Thanks for the research, glad it's not just me that couldn't do it. Will look forward to such a change. It would be nice to give someone a greater chance of getting a specific card, without having to decide on a set price for it guaranteed (kinda like a lottery).
Thanks for the suggestion Mokonzi, I'll keep it in mind as the purchase system will be revamped in the next version, if/what will trickle down to the Lite version I can't be sure of yet however :)
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