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I purchased your pro product without trying the free version as all of DBTECHS mods are great. :)

But with that said for this one I probably should have tried the trial first.

My issue is my server runs on NGINX not Apache so it does not support .htaccess files, thus many of my games do not submit score.

My question is how do I get this to work correctly?

Can you please post the .htaccess file so I can try to convert it to work in the nginx config file.

As part of the installer, vBArcade will generate the .htaccess file for you in your forum root, so please look there even if your server is ignoring it. Generally, it should only affect some older ibproarcade games.

However, if you know how to convert the mod rewrite code into something that runs on your server, I would really appreciate seeing what you come up, as admittedly I have no experience with it :( I would be happy to explain what is being rewritten if you need that as well (its not a lot). Perhaps I can make the installer conditionally build the NGINX compatible version if it detects thats what your server is.
When I run the installer I get the following error...

Warning: file_put_contents([path]/.htaccess) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in [path]/dbtech/vbarcade/arcade_installer.php on line 46
Okay, just create a blank .htaccess file chmodded to 777 and put it in your forum root, then run the installer again (it will write to that instead).
Did anyone ever come up with a solution for this? I was unable to and had to drop back to v3Arcade which is a shame since I paid all this money for this Arcade instead.
I got the same problem

Nginx, does not use htaccess (htaccess files are very bad way of rewriting)

Does anyone have the nginx rewrite codes for the arcade?

Thank you very much.

I have found a work around, because of all my games being ibproarcade.

I used the code from ibproarcade... the code that goes in the INDEX.PHP file... this allowed it to redirect the score back to the arcade.

Working for me until a redirect is made.

if($_POST['module'] == "pnFlashGames")

		case "storeScore":
		$_GET['act'] = "Arcade";
		$_GET['module'] = "arcade";
		$_GET['do'] = "pnFStoreScore";

		case "saveGame":
		$_GET['do'] = "pnFSaveGame";

		case "loadGame":
		$_GET['do'] = "pnFLoadGame";

		case "loadGameScores":
		$gid = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('p', 'gid', TYPE_INT);
		$uid= $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'];
		$game = $db->query_first("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "games_scores WHERE mid=$uid AND gid = $gid ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 0,1");
		$scores = $game[score];

		if($scores != false)
			//Return true
			print "&opSuccess=true&gameScores=$scores&endvar=1"; //send endvar to keep opSuccess separate from all other output from PostNuke
			print "&opSuccess=false&error=Error&endvar=1";

$act = $_GET[act];
$autocom = $_GET[autocom];
$showuser= $_GET[showuser];
if($act == "Arcade" || $autocom=="arcade") {
include "arcade.php";
if(!empty($showuser) && $showuser >= 1) {
$u = $showuser;
$_GET[u] = $showuser;
include "member.php";

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I doubt nginx support can be added on a PHP level, you need to manually convert the .htaccess rules we create to nginx rules and add them to your vhosts config files :)
You are right, if you give me the rewrites, I could probably rewrite them myself, not found them?

Did the installer not fill the rewrite rules in your blank .htaccess file that you created during install?
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Legacy vBArcade

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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