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I've just installed infopanels lite, but for some reason its not showing on the forums. I uploaded the files and imported the xml. Am I missing a setting to enable the panel?
Check the settings for it in vBulletin Options, maybe you're missing the default template hook? You have the same kind of deployment options you do in vBShout - though only on forum home :)
I've looked in: -

DragonByte Tech: Info Panels - General Options
DragonByte Tech: Info Panels - Top X Stats Options
DragonByte Tech: Info Panels - Welcome Panel Options

But cant find an option anywhere to set where the panel is deployed. May the
I just installed on my test server...and it came up on the index page...just after the import of XML file....maybe can u try to reupload the files and XML file :)
Looks like staff members are getting seperate in 'who's online', but looks like its missing some other stats in that area too.

I've got VSa - Visitors in Last X Hours installed too, could that affect infopanels?
i had Pauls mod for 24 hours visitors...and it worked fine for me :) it must be a conflict....with some mod...try disabling other mods and re-try
I disabled VSa - Visitors in Last X Hours, still no joy. I think its missing the hook into the forumhome templete. I'd buy the pro-version once I've tested.
My bad - the Lite version doesn't let you change the display properties.

The template hook needed is {vb:raw ad_location.global_below_navbar} :)
My bad - the Lite version doesn't let you change the display properties.

The template hook needed is {vb:raw ad_location.global_below_navbar} :)

Thanks for that m8, where abouts in the FORUMHOME template should the hook go? Any idea why its not going in on installation?
The hook isn't something InfoPanels inserts, it's a stock vBulletin variable.

In the navbar template, directly above <vb:if condition="$show['notices']"> there should be
{vb:raw ad_location.ad_navbar_below}
{vb:raw ad_location.global_below_navbar}
So is manually adding the hook part of the installation? As its mentioned anywhere. Or is my vbulletin doing something wrong?
It's not part of installation, it's supposed to be there by default.

My best guess is that the template has been customised, or you're using a version of vB that doesn't have this hook implemented. I'm not entirely sure tbh...
Just checked the navbar template, all looks fine: -

{vb:raw ad_location.ad_navbar_below}
{vb:raw ad_location.global_below_navbar}

<vb:if condition="$show['notices']">

So no idea why infopanels is not displaying.
It is enabled in the settings, right? Under WP Options?

If so, is it possible for me to get ftp info and an admin acc with Settings, Styles and Plugins? I should be able to fix it then :)
Yeah, so that I can test to see if there's something wrong with the files and if so, fix it quickly :)
Ok m8, np. I've got someone doing some tweaks on vbulletin and my server atm. So i'll let him finish before giving you access. I'll post back this evening.

Thank you.
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