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I was trying to remove the tab from the navbar and was successful...until you try and play it. Then you have NO menus at all. I know all I have to do is uninstall/reinstall to reconfigure the dbt_tt_navbar, but will this get rid of all the decks, games, etc that I have set up?

Or could I possibly get a PM with the code to cut & paste.

And what would I do to get the tab off of the navbar? I've got too many tabs so I'm putting them into a dropdown format.

Thanks and I'm sorry for tinkering without saving first - I know better.
Did you edit the template? if so you can just revert the template you edited to get it back to normal.

DANG IT! I completely forgot you could do that! I'm just piling on the stupid tonight. Feel free to point and laugh derisively.
Removing these two lines should do the trick, it'll remove the tab but make the tab+subnav links appear when you access tripletriad.php
<vb:else />
	<li><a class="navtab" href="tripletriad.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl}">{vb:rawphrase dbt_tt_tripletriad}</a></li>
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