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How do I completely uninstall this mod ?

I have deleted the plugin but VB Diagnostics still reports the following . . .

privatemessage.php File not recognized as part of vBulletin

Thanks for the help.

Remove all the files that came with the mod, after you Uninstalled from the ACP
Thanks Ozzy.

Will do.

Is the file /packages/vbforum/attach/privatemessage.php part of your mod ?
Last edited:
Can you please provide more information than "crashes"?

Did you uninstall the mod before removing that file?
Thanks for your eply.

Yes I did.

When I remove the file and go to the privatemessages page I get an error.
Any suggestions on how to delete the remainders of this mod ?


PS: I am not uninstalling because this is a bad product. I want a slimmer version with less functionality. Am even willing to pay for that as a special project, sent various PMs about that. No reply though :-(
I know Fillip H. has been awful busy, I am sure he forgot about this in the shuffle.
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