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I notice it will do this if I disable VBOptimise Pro..

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE test_session SET newposts = newposts+1 WHERE NOT ISNULL(newposts);

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'newposts' in 'where clause'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Saturday, May 15th 2010 @ 07:45:04 AM
Error Date : Saturday, May 15th 2010 @ 07:45:04 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : xxxxxxxxx
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.90-community

After we moved to this host we've been having a lot of problems with posts not properly being set to a read state and the PM box reporting I have PM's after I've already read them. The behavior changes if I enable VBOptimise. Can you take a look? (PM)
Not a bug from vB Optimise, we don't invoke any queries (other than to store statistics), looks like you're missing a MySQL field in a table - could be from a modification. I'd check any other modifications you have installed :)
Thanks deceptor but everything is working in my forum fine. I see it might not be a VBOptimise issue but im at a loss man. Everything works fine I think I even got around that SQL problem but when users make posts they don't appear on the forum until you refresh the forum. Same goes for a lot of other things, what could cause that? I switched from xcache to APC and still the same thing.
Hi packz,

The SQL error itself refers to a field which is not default within vBulletin, which would mean it came from a modification (or did, it's gone now) - but the modifications code is still running to try execute that query. Not to mention if the error occurs with vB Optimise disabled, then vBO is clearly not invoking it :)

I'd run through a trial/error process disabling any modifications you have until the error finally goes away, so you know the offending modification :)
Even if I disable all my mods this happens. I know it's not your place to support me with this but I sure would appreciate it. It's like it doesn't store the sessions or something. Users will log in and go to a page and be logged back out. They will read a thread, go back to the forum and the thread is still bolded as if they hadn't read it.. replies to threads won't appear until you hit F5..
Hmm, that issue sounds like cookies/cache setup in vBulletin, I can help you with that. In regards to the SQL error, does that disappear with all mods disabled?

Feel free to add me to msn btw: :)
The SQL error seems gone now... but the other problems persist. I will add you to my MSN in a few short seconds to speak with you, thank you.
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