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i have a problem on my site with TT.

When a user make a battle, and he wins, after chose the reward card/s, all he gets, it's a white page and the battle doesn't finish.

The active battle appears anyway, and he could get another card reward, and again, it shows a white page.

¿One notice about fix this?

Thank you.
Do you have PHP errors hidden at all? If so it would probably be best to check your apache error logs or enable PHP errors to show so that you can try this again and see if it produces an error. No one else has reported this issue however the new version which resolves some bugs surrounding the battle ground is being released later this week :)
No error in the log.

It's really weird, for some users works fine, but for others appears the white page when click for take the opponents card.

I wait for the next release, and see if the problem solve with it.
Understood :) The next release is on the 25th, if it hasn't been fixed then we'll investigate further :)

well, i do the upgrade to the new release, and the same happens, when i fet the card, and if i click on leave battle too.

Another question, there's any option for purge the history battles?
Hey zaito,

Been unable to replicate on the prior version or the latest, could you PM me with an ftp login and admin login for your forum please? :) I'll check it out, also if you're the one stuck in battle it'd be great to use that account so I can see the problem right away :)
This was PHP memory related, I've updated the package which includes an optimisation to /dbtech/tripletriad/core/core_tripletriad.php - If anyone is experiencing the issue re-download the release and upload that file :)
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