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I get this error when adding image to post with reference image locally ticked.
I also get an error when trying to upload the image from my computer.

<br /><strong>Warning</strong>: getimagesize( [<a href='function.getimagesize'>function.getimagesize </a>]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request

in <strong>[path]/dbtech/credits/credits_vbulletin.php</strong> on line <strong>461</strong><br />error: Imageinfo Failed: <pre></pre>
Was that a valid image?
Does it work when attaching remote images, uploading images, or only broken when selecting this local option?
doesn't let me adding images or with the local option.
I can hotlink an image using the
Are all the images you try to add, from amazon? Can you try a remote image not from amazon? Also, please post a bad url in full here so I can try it locally.
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