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I'm Afraid this is something I am not understanding, I upgraded and previously I renamed my credits to Crackers. all the amounts transferred but I can not transfer to my savings account or vica versa

please give me some guidance
You need to create an event using the Transfer action - one event per currency. Leaving the event amounts as 0 is fine, as the amount entered into the currency popup will be used.
I am working on this since my last post and thus far its not working as I expected but I am still pushing buttons trying to figure it out, After creating the two transfer events I used them with my own account to transfer from savings to the cracker account , the balances didn't update instantly so I knew that it may not refresh right away and went to find I had the scheduled task disabled at the moment. I re enabled it and ran it. it updated the balance in my cracker account but did not subtract from the savings. I ran a couple of refreshes and did another transaction, that one added money too but didn't subtract any. and then I found in the currency properties that I could do a mass conversions. of the other types. so I ran that .

I'll keep working at it and I have a good learning curve but if you get this back before I come back to say never mind please elaborate on the details of this, encase I am being a complete idiot still.
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