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New member
We just updated our CMPS, and now my shoutbox isn't working. I realize it's not really your issue, but you guys are WAAAAY smarter than they are. Was wondering if you have heard anyone else with this issue or if you knew a solution. It's stuck in the old "loading....." zone.....
Click the Errors tab, not the Warnings tab. Those are only notices of unsupported CSS properties, and is 100% unrelated to this issue :)
right, sorry, working on about ten different

Error: XML declaration not well-formed
Source File: Forums
Line: 1, Column: 31
Source Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding=""?>

EDIT **** I installed another chatbox and get the same error. I mean, it's obviously something to do with the CMPS update, but no idea what. It's the only mod not working, and as you know I run alot of dbtech stuff.
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Dino thought id find you here,you been busy it looks :) OK cmps reinstalled to the version it was on. Reinstalled vbshout,entered correct file permissions for the correct files 777. Still the same issue of chat trying to load. Im of to bed,had enough.
You know it recon :P

OK, so here is what we have done. Set up a subdomain and installed 4.1.7 with just the basic out of the box admin panel. Installed a fresh copy of vBShout 5.4.8. We still have the same problem with being stuck on "loading.....". is the setup for the subdomain. If you want into the goodies let me know I'll hook you up with an account.
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