
It sort of drives me crazy wondering if a mod I am hosting from Dragonbyte had an update or not!

Please either support this mod or add something similar sometime soon...

'Check Version' for all hacks
'Check Version' for all hacks - Forum

If you could even add latest update number to the Customer area downloads that would even help out...

Thank you!

Don't just do it for me do it because I love you guys... :) Vary long time!!! :p
Don't we already get an email of every sort..How would an hack work differently other than sending another email..Possibly mod update threads should be created in a forum post were all are subscribed to and then the thread closed.That may happen now,just never noticed.
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Most DBTech products already implements a version check URL that works off the currently available version off DBTech :)

He's requesting that DBTech mods work with a mod that uses the "Check Version" feature for all mods at the same time, and I'm saying that all current versions of my mods already integrates with the "Check Version" feature.
Yeah sorry, my original post wasn't very clear.

What I meant to say was that when creating a product, mod authors can specify a "Check Version URL" that vBulletin uses to enable the "Check Version" feature in the product management page. The mod Cozmic linked to also works off that URL (just does it for all products instead of one-by-one), and that's already supported in all my mods.

Sorry for the confusion :(
Ah well either way I would love it to let me know... It usually takes me about about 20 mins to go through all the mods I own checking back in forth to verify I have the latest version...
Yes I see,but as Fillip H. states
mod authors can specify a "Check Version URL"
So if they don't specify the URL your still going to have to check manually for updates..I don't see much use for it,if it's down to the authors preference to add it or not.Now if they didn't have a choice,that would be a different story.
Yeah sorry, my original post wasn't very clear.

What I meant to say was that when creating a product, mod authors can specify a "Check Version URL" that vBulletin uses to enable the "Check Version" feature in the product management page. The mod Cozmic linked to also works off that URL (just does it for all products instead of one-by-one), and that's already supported in all my mods.

Sorry for the confusion :(

The check is not working though m8. Unsure why but its def not doing.

Example, checking vbcredits which I just downloaded gives the following:

Version check failed. No version number was found at this location. The URL for the version check may be incorrect, or the server may be experiencing problems. Please try again later.

This is the same for all DBTech modifications. I think this is what the op is referring to.
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Going back to this feature I as also was saying that it would be nice to have it show here @ Dragonbyte-tech the latest version number show for mod versions on the client page where the list of downloads are rather then having to click on the link to each download in the client download area...

A few mods I use not using the latest link:
DragonByte Tech: vBSlider (Pro) 2.0.0 Error
DragonByte Tech: Thread Ratings (Pro) 1.0.4 Error
DragonByte Tech: User Spotlight 1.6.5 Error
DragonByte Tech: vBNominate (Pro) 1.2.5 Error
Never been fond of external URL connections, AWC really left a bad taste in my mouth, not something I've ever liked because if the host server went down then I was not able to edit settings in admincp for the mod.
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Yeah it is really strange that they did it that way, seems like alot of work for the host server to do the work for all the sites.