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I delete a category, which is the default
Then I added another category
When I enter vbquiz, are the two categories instead of a
would know what the problem?
Do you mean it's still showing you the default category on the quiz main page after you deleted it?
I found the problem. I'll fix it, but for now, if you edit an existing category and save it, that should rebuild the datastore and give you the correct categories on the front page.
I uploaded v1.0.1 tonight which should take care of this problem. Let me know if it doesn't work. Glad we got your layout issue fixed as well :)
I uploaded v1.0.1 tonight which should take care of this problem. Let me know if it doesn't work. Glad we got your layout issue fixed as well :)

layout issue?
so shd i update to 1.0.1 or keep 1.0.0 itself?
any other bugs fixed?
i downloaded 1.0.1
how to upgrade? just importing product will do or like fresh install?
if u're going to release next bug fix or any release sooner, i will wait rather..
do u recommend me to upgrade as i've already configured all settings and other things?
btw, i request you to send email notification to customer after u release update. thx.
i downloaded 1.0.1
how to upgrade? just importing product will do or like fresh install?
if u're going to release next bug fix or any release sooner, i will wait rather..
do u recommend me to upgrade as i've already configured all settings and other things?
btw, i request you to send email notification to customer after u release update. thx.

Just upload the files and overwrite then import the product xml.
Any configuration changes you made will remain. If you edit templates though you need to revert them usually as any template updated with the release will not get applied.
Dylan, just updated version, but in admincp it's showing 1.0.0 version only and still linking to "" in plugin manager.

btw, i have uploaded/overwritten files, imported (allowed overwrite) xml, reverted "dbtech_vbquiz_nav_button" template. That's all, isnt it?
Dylan, just updated version, but in admincp it's showing 1.0.0 version only and still linking to "" in plugin manager.

btw, i have uploaded/overwritten files, imported (allowed overwrite) xml, reverted "dbtech_vbquiz_nav_button" template. That's all, isnt it?

Yes, it should work fine. I didn't update the version line on the xml file so it's still showing as 1.0.0. I uploaded a hot fix if you want to have the version number match in the acp. It will work the same regardless if you leave it or update it. There were no xml code changes in this release.
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