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When clicking the "Buy Now" link on a for sale item, the URL or link is wrong. It seems to have an extra "dbt" inserted as well as no listing id??

Fixed in Beta 6. If you want to temporarily fix this, replace all dbtdbtclassifieds with dbtclassifieds in the template dbtech_classifieds_viewlisting.

The good old find and replace didn't work well in that file... :D

PS, the listingid is included within the form, you'll notice it if you do a search in the source of the html for the viewlisting page... it's a hidden input. ;)

Thanks for the report matey.
What is the precise URL of the error... cost the only time that phrase comes up implies that there was an attempt to update the address... wondering if it's a weird fluke of an error or something really peculiar... :D
It is the same as the one above less "dbt". This is why I made the point about the listing id cause it didn't make sense to me even with the double dbt.
I think I've an idea what's causing this. When there are no addresses for the user, then there is a new form created for a new address... this seems to mess up where the form gets submitted to... so it's trying to save an address when it should be placing the purchase.

I'll investigate this more as I get time over the next few days. Well done for picking up this crafty bug... :D
Can you give me the sequence of steps you have currently took to get this error? Just want to double check there's nothing else I've missed.

Which Beta are you using atm?
I am using 7.
1) I go to the listings page and select the "Scent Dispenser" listing. listings page.png
2) I try to "Buy Now". ( I do notice the buy now button is black and not green, not sure if that means anything) buy now.png

That's it.
Did you try this on my test site recently, because the problem still exists for me with beta 8?

When I click buy now on the item you listed I didn't get any issues... though I will have another look. I have an idea... will get back to you tomorrow on this. :)
I'm very baffled by this bug. I've created a new listing (the old one expired), so if you could again try the buy it now button. As far as I can tell the Invalid Name error should not occur at all with this request (it's not even in the file we use to process the request)... so maybe something really odd is going on... or maybe it was an error with the listing created by an earlier version of the mod... :)
Mokonzi I just tried with your listing and with beta 9 and still getting the same error.

Do you think I should try an uninstall and re-install?
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Nope, not just yet. I'll take another look at it. It's puzzling me as to why it's not working and there might be a tricky bug to find... better to get it now than later... :)
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