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I'd like a quick fix in order to better integrate with vbcredits, so people know they can purchase credits with Paypal.

One of two options came to mind:

1) Upon clicking your currency amount in vbshop, vbcredit's "popup" appears that allows you to purchase credits.

(I tried for 2 hours to do this with no luck. I tried to use $currencies from vbcredits with no luck - looks like I need to add some hooks & calls in templates)

2) Upon clicking your currency amount in vbshop, you are forwarded to credits.php

(This seems easier, but I was unable to add a clickable link to vbshop's currency display)

Any ideas?
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Hi there,

Your site is actually listed on our piracy tracker as using an illegal unlicensed version of vBCredits pro. We checked this manually and the files do exist on your server.

For obvious reasons we do not provide support for people who steal our products, sorry.

Please remove any unlicensed pro files from your site immediately.


I've changed this thread to a Feature Request so it can be taken into consideration for future versions :)
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