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another problem came up today:

the auto confirm seems not to work. A user contributed today but I still had to confirm the donation manually.

Use can still use the ACP account I sent you via PM. It's still active.

Which settings have to be made in the PayPal account?

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Thanks for posting, hopefully we can get this sorted quickly.

Check this: Paypal IPN settings you would have to go here on your PayPal account: My account tab > Profile > My setting tools > Instant payment notifications (Middle of the list) > Update. Make sure it is enabled and it is pointing to your sites url.

If it is already set up correctly, then check out, your server's access logs and see if it is actually trying to access your site, should look something like this, - - [28/Aug/2012:21:29:57 +0100] "POST /vbdonate_gateway.php HTTP/1.0" 200 - "-" "-", and then check your sites error log and see if you see something like this, [Tue Aug 28 21:29:57 2012] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration:
Ok seems the PayPal settings were missing. I added the settings to my PP account. Lets See what happens when the next donation is coming.
It seems it is still not auto confirming, was it working before and stopped suddenly?
Could you check out, your server's access logs and see if it is actually trying to access your site, should look something like this, - - [28/Aug/2012:21:29:57 +0100] "POST /vbdonate_gateway.php HTTP/1.0" 200 - "-" "-", and then check your sites error log and see if you see something like this, [Tue Aug 28 21:29:57 2012] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration:
OK I'll take a look tomorrow. I'm not very familiar with server administration so I have to look where I can find the log files.
OK then maybe it is working, I did a real donation of $1.00 and a test donation of $5.00 and both have seemed to auto confirm, so it must have been the settings in PayPal that was not allowing it to auto confirm.

Hopefully that is all it was. I will delete the test contribution now and you should be all good to go. If you have any other issues don't hesitate to let me know. :D
Hi Ozzy,

unfortunately it still doesn't work.

Received two donations last week and had to confirm both manually. The only thing that worked so far was you test donation. Your "real" donation I had to confirm manually, too. So I have no idea what's wrong there.
Check out, your server's access logs and see if it is actually trying to access your site, should look something like this, - - [28/Aug/2012:21:29:57 +0100] "POST /vbdonate_gateway.php HTTP/1.0" 200 - "-" "-", and then check your sites error log and see if you see something like this, [Tue Aug 28 21:29:57 2012] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration:
Ozzy, I am not getting auto confirmation either, I know some things changed from PayPals end recently. I also double checked my settings and everything seemed to be fine.
The donations show fine under the confirmed donation, however I am not receiving notifications by PM.
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