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Sorry to open another thread, but i have to many questions to post the in other one where i understood what was explained. also i will show how i give points because i need to know if you have any sugeestion to optimize how we give points.

So lets begin :

1. If i set at post, minimum number of words to 10, that means only words after 10 are counted for points ?
We give
- 0.5 points for new message
- 0.01 points for each word in message
- 1 point for new thred
- 0.02 points for words in new thread

Bothe have minim 10 words and maximum 300.

2. Friends. For each friend added we give 0.1 points, any how to limit to 100 friends so they don;t add the hole board as firends ?

3. Give reputation, we give 0.1 points for each reputation given, can we limit this to 10 per day ?

4. Infraction, when they get ingfrcation we charge 5 points, and Point Negation Amount is 0.1, that mean if in amdin we have 15 points penalization for an infraction he will be charged with 5 + 15*0.1 ?

5. Refer Indicating your referrer. Occurs with referral action. We set this to 3 points, i gived nly on registration or they can set after registration who invited them on forum ?

6. Referral - Someone else indicating you as their referrer. Here i have 1 point. Is eneaugh to invite someone and open an account or they need to post at least one post or something like that, because otherwise, many of the can amke tons of new emails and reset their ip to register more then one account. Any ideeas here ?

7. Reply Someone else posting in your thread.Is set to 0.01 points.

8. Reputation Getting reputation. Negative reputation triggers negation. Multiplier is the absolute value.

I have here 1 point for pozitive rpeutation, 3 for negative reputation. And i guess points reputation refferes to power reputation ? Here i have 0.1 for positive reputation and 0.2 for negative reputation. So if i have a 30 points power reputation, when i give a negative will be charged with 3 + 30*0.2 ?

9. Revive 0.2 puncte

10. Tags : 0.1 points for each tag added, and 0.5 charged for negation, this mean delete of that tag ?

11. Vote Choosing poll options. Multiplier is the number selected. 0.05 points, don;t understand here teh negation, is for polls that allows revoting ? i had the same value in both.

12. Welcome, i have here 20 points. I have around 5 rangs. first is after 10 posts, 100, 500, 1000, 2500 or somthing like that. Hope is ok 20 points.

Any new sugesstions ?

13. How do i set birthday corectly so thy can't fraud by changing the birthday day. Which are the correct settings. I want to give them 10 points each year.

14. hOW CAN I translate this to my language ? I have professionals who will do this for me and i will give you the translation,
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1. Setting a minimum words will have an effect as specified in the event (either only awarding for post and not words, awarding nothing, or stopping you from posting with an error message). Awarding per word still includes up to the minimum once the minimum has been met. It will stop awarding for words up to the maximum.

2. Show advanced options on your event, and set Maximum Times to 100 and leave Limit Period blank. Friends still need to confirm the relationship before the first guy gets any credits, so someone adding the whole board is unlikely in the first place.

3. Show advanced options on your event, and set Maximum Times to 10 and Limit Period to 86400 (the number of seconds in a day)

5. Only during registration

6. In the main vBCredits settings you can set a Valid Referrer Usergroup. Doing that, a new registered person needs to graduate to that usergroup before his referrer gets anything. You can create promotions to "trusted usergroups" or whatever, with minimum time, posts, reputation, etc, in regular vBulletin.

8. 30 points of positive reputation gives 1 + 0.1*30, 30 points of negtive reputation takes 3 + 0.2*30 away

11. Yes, some polls let you change your answers

13. Show advanced options on your event, and set Maximum Times to 1 and Limit Period to 31536000 (the number of seconds in a year)

14. In the admincp under Languages & Phrases, click Phrase Manager. At the top you can choose vBCredits General and vBCredits Administrative for translations. Note that a lot of the admin stuff is not currently in the phrases system yet, and action titles are not translatable (though you can edit them if you go to http://(forums)/(admincp)/credits_admin.php?do=actions). If you want to share your translations afterwards, you can go to Download / Upload Languages, select your language and vBCredits from the list, just phrases. This can then be used to provide a translation for vbcredits to others.

4. 10. Yes

7. 9. 12. Alright :)
1. I don't understand what you say. I have minimum 10 and maximum 300. We give 0.01 point for each word and 0.5 per message. How much points will be for : 7 words, 243 words and 439 words. This 3 examples will make me understand better how it works.

2. ok
3. ok
4. ok
5. ok
6. super
7. ok
8. ok
9. ok
10. ok
11. ok
12. ok
13. ok
14. Regarding translations, why you don;t have something more simple, i mean an xml file with :

text in english = text translated

I know in vbulletin where to find phrases, but i want to give the file to a professional, he will translate for me and the i could import the language in database.

Is there something like that ?

Also i see that in global are only few phrases, i translated them but there are still words to translate. - you can see here,
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For 7 words: 1*0.5 + 7*0 = 0.5
(as 7 is below the minimum, no words are counted)*

For 243 words: 1*0.5 + 243*0.01 = 2.93
(as 243 is within 10 and 300, all the words are counted)

For 439 words: 1*0.5 + 300*0.01 = 3.5
(as 439 exceeds 300, only 300 words are counted)

*only if Below Minimum Handling is set to Exclude Word Amounts

Handling translations in the way I described is standard for vbulletin addons. If you follow my directions, you will get an xml file very close to what you want, except in a format that is ready to be immediately imported back into any vbulletin (otherwise it would have to be converted by hand...)
How do i delete logs of tranzactions ? I have over 855 pages, isn't that much in 10 days ? Is there some settings that run a scheulde cleaning ?

On vbcredits page if i click on Today : i get this link ... is an error, i have vbseo installed. How to fix this ?
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I'll tag Darkwaltz4 so he see's this. In general once a thread is marked as answered you should start a new thread so the developer gets a notification.
We will continue the post link issue in your new thread. As for transaction logs, those cannot be pruned as the system relies on having a complete log of all transaction activity. No transactions would mean that activity didnt happen. This was an overwhelming request made prior to the development of vbcredits, and so it was built around them. This new update should make working with a large transaction table more optimized, and we have even more optimizations currently being tested that will be included in an upcoming version.
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