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New member
Now there is another problem. I have set 100MB for PDF files (also set 100MB in php.ini for file uploads). I tried to upload 13.1MB pdf file and it says:
The file(s) uploaded were too large to process.

AND one more problem. I have succeeded in uploading a 3.86MB pdf file BUT its description is showing in html like follows:
<font face="Tahoma" size="5"><br />Test Upload<br />This is a pdf file.<br /></font>

FURTHER, I think it should have "Friendly URLs" otherwise uploading things in threads as attachments is better for SEO.
Now there is another problem. I have set 100MB for PDF files (also set 100MB in php.ini for file uploads). I tried to upload 13.1MB pdf file and it says:
The file(s) uploaded were too large to process.

AND one more problem. I have succeeded in uploading a 3.86MB pdf file BUT its description is showing in html like follows:
<font face="Tahoma" size="5"><br />Test Upload<br />This is a pdf file.<br /></font>

FURTHER, I think it should have "Friendly URLs" otherwise uploading things in threads as attachments is better for SEO.
Could you post a screenshot of your Manage System area of the vBDownloads section in the AdminCP?

As for the description error, I shall investigate that :)
Could you post a screenshot of your Manage System area of the vBDownloads section in the AdminCP?

As for the description error, I shall investigate that :)

I've attached screenshot.

I would like to have a separate section for downloads (for uploading pdf books) because I've separate sections for Media, Photo Gallery, etc BUT lack of following two functions is causing me trouble to decide:
  1. Friendly URLs
  2. Downloading Resume Capability
Is there any plan for Friendly URLs & Downloading Resume Capability? (NOT necessarily in lite, if pro have them then i will purchase pro)

Right now I think using vB4 default attachment system is better because it has Resume Capability and thread (to which file is attached) have Friendly URL. Any comments about it.


  • Downloads - vBulletin Admin Control Panel.png
    Downloads - vBulletin Admin Control Panel.png
    11 KB · Views: 8
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I've attached screenshot.

I would like to have a separate section for downloads (for uploading pdf books) because I've separate sections for Media, Photo Gallery, etc BUT lack of following two functions is causing me trouble to decide:
  1. Friendly URLs
  2. Downloading Resume Capability
Is there any plan for Friendly URLs & Downloading Resume Capability? (NOT necessarily in lite, if pro have them then i will purchase pro)

Right now I think using vB4 default attachment system is better because it has Resume Capability and thread (to which file is attached) have Friendly URL. Any comments about it.
Could you try increase the value of the max_input_time and see if uploads of bigger files work then. As for your suggestions, could you please post them as a suggestion in a new thread.
I've attached screenshot.

I would like to have a separate section for downloads (for uploading pdf books) because I've separate sections for Media, Photo Gallery, etc BUT lack of following two functions is causing me trouble to decide:
  1. Friendly URLs
  2. Downloading Resume Capability
Is there any plan for Friendly URLs & Downloading Resume Capability? (NOT necessarily in lite, if pro have them then i will purchase pro)

Right now I think using vB4 default attachment system is better because it has Resume Capability and thread (to which file is attached) have Friendly URL. Any comments about it.
Could you try increase the value of the max_input_time and see if uploads of bigger files work then. As for your suggestions, could you please post them as a suggestion in a new thread.
Could you try increase the value of the max_input_time and see if uploads of bigger files work then. As for your suggestions, could you please post them as a suggestion in a new thread.
I increased the value of the max_input_time to 120 and tried that file again BUT same happened.
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The description bug has now been fixed. As for your uploading bug, could you send me an administration account for your site?
I think I know what your upload problem is.

In your php.ini file put:
post_max_size =
Make that the same as your max upload size then try it.
I had the same problem. ;)
Ok, I seem to be having this same problem. I need max size to be 262MB. I went into the php.ini file as well as the php5-cgi.ini file and entered the post_max_size to be 2197815296 bytes. I also increased the max_input_time to 120. Here's the code from the php.ini file:

register_globals = off
allow_url_fopen = off

expose_php = Off
max_input_time = 120
post_max_size = 2197815296
variables_order = "EGPCS"
extension_dir = ./
upload_tmp_dir = /tmp
precision = 12

When I look at both the "Manage Settings" panel as well as my main control panel, it still says max post size is 8mb. Am I doing something wrong?
Ok, I seem to be having this same problem. I need max size to be 262MB. I went into the php.ini file as well as the php5-cgi.ini file and entered the post_max_size to be 2197815296 bytes. I also increased the max_input_time to 120. Here's the code from the php.ini file:

When I look at both the "Manage Settings" panel as well as my main control panel, it still says max post size is 8mb. Am I doing something wrong?
You'll need to increase the "max_upload_size" variable too.
You'll need to increase the "max_upload_size" variable too.

Thanks for the response. I did as you said and still no changes. Even when I made the change to the max_input_time variable, there was no change in the Manage System panel. Still shows max upload as 8mb and max input time as 60.
Thanks for the response. I did as you said and still no changes. Even when I made the change to the max_input_time variable, there was no change in the Manage System panel. Still shows max upload as 8mb and max input time as 60.
Are you sure you are editing the correct file? You can also ask your host to change this value if needed. You will also need to restart apache for these changes to be made.
Are you sure you are editing the correct file? You can also ask your host to change this value if needed. You will also need to restart apache for these changes to be made.
Yeah I was doing the right one, however, didn't realize that with php5 i needed to rename my php.ini file to php5.ini. Once I did that, the updates took effect. Also found out that the correct variable for upload is upload_max_filesize.

Thanks for all the help!
Old Thread - but post_max_size was the solution for me, too. Thanks... Now testing and looking forward to buy the Pro :)
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