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Our old chatbox had an @ button that appeared next to the username in the chat, that simply added "@theirusername" in the shout editor so that they could easily direct their comment. It would be a great feature to add into vbshout.
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That can be done by clicking on the username of the person and sending a pm in the shout, provided the permissions are set for the user
This isn't a is just a chat with a @ prefix and the user's name you are talking to. It is handy in a busy chat box when directing a comment at someone in particular.
Cool...when I switched to vbshout from mgc, my users all seemed to complain about loosing that @ button. I guess people get lazy and actually typing it with the user's name is too much work. lol
On the big forum I visit that use vBShout, members give eachother nicknames. Like they call me "Belz" xD
Perhaps your members will adapt something similar in the meantime :)
Yeah...I'm sure as their memory of the old chat fades it won't be as big of deal, but it is a handy feature. My development budget is a little shot for the next month or so, but if the features I proposed are something that would come quicker with "special funding", shoot me a note and I can try to help.
This isn't a is just a chat with a @ prefix and the user's name you are talking to. It is handy in a busy chat box when directing a comment at someone in particular.

Quick question about that: Would the persons username have a different font/colour to make it stand out, or would it be the same as the shouters normal text?

Yeah...I'm sure as their memory of the old chat fades it won't be as big of deal, but it is a handy feature. My development budget is a little shot for the next month or so, but if the features I proposed are something that would come quicker with "special funding", shoot me a note and I can try to help.

Mmm... Not really something we do to be honest, it can unbalance the update schedule etc, which is already precarious at best xD. With that being said this appears to be a small request, so we'll try to squeeze it in over the next week or two for you =) - no charge.
Just same font as user's normal chat is fine.

Mmm... Not really something we do to be honest, it can unbalance the update schedule etc, which is already precarious at best xD. With that being said this appears to be a small request, so we'll try to squeeze it in over the next week or two for you =) - no charge.

I have submitted quite a few ideas. The ones (in other threads) you marked as under consideration would likely take a lot more to the number of chatters in a global variable and the shouts to thread idea I had.
Just same font as user's normal chat is fine.

I have submitted quite a few ideas. The ones (in other threads) you marked as under consideration would likely take a lot more to the number of chatters in a global variable and the shouts to thread idea I had.

Ah, then it's unlikely we'll be able to squeeze those in. I will get in touch with you after the immediate workload is complete (vBShop 2.0 and our next new mod) and see if we can't work something out =)

Thanks for adding this. My members are already happier campers. I moved it to the top of the menu so it is easier to select. Also you think it would be possible to enable the @ command by clicking the avatar? I assume this would be a template edit?
Yeah...that would be awesome to be able to just click the tiny avatars to get the @.

Also one other refinement request...lets say you start typing a chat and decide you want to aim it at someone, it would be cool if it just slipped it in front instead of deleting the chat that is half typed.
On my forum, when you hover over the avatar, or a username it is treated as one, it underlines it but my forum is 4.1.x not 3.8.x

Also one other refinement request...lets say you start typing a chat and decide you want to aim it at someone, it would be cool if it just slipped it in front instead of deleting the chat that is half typed.

Fillip H. will have to look at that
Yeah it appears that is how it is behaving on mine as well. Not sure how easy it would be to accomplish. It looks like you guys significantly changed the shout bit template from the version I had. I had the old ones edited so the date/time was very faint cause my members weren't used to seeing it there...but the current template looks like greek to me %%%% lol%%%
We'll see about changing it, but it'd require changing much of the underlying code so it might not arrive very soon.
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