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As said in title, when a member has required other members to post thanks before seeing the content of his or her post, all you have to do is click on reply with quote, then it shows the post content in the quote tags..

See picture.


Also sometimes when clicking thanks, we get the error "Invalid response from server:"

Both of these issues have apparently been solved in the latest Beta version :)

Unless you depend on vBActivity support, I'd recommend you upgrade to that. Though be warned, HIDE tags need to be applied to content in order for it to be hidden in that version. Also, usergroup permission / forum settings / posts configuration need to be re-set when upgrading.
That's not something that's going to change for the Final, unfortunately.

Sadly we can't fix these issues for v1.0.1.
So whenever a member sets there post to "thanks to see post", they still have to wrap the content with

?..... mius the Dot of course.

Or am I confused, as usual :confused:.
Aye they will need to do that in v1.1.0, because it supports partial post content hiding instead of ALL the post like the current version :)
I dont know why, but I have upgraded this last night and I can not get the import old thanks to work,

I have pointed my browser at mysiteadmin directory thanksimport.php, the scrpit runs and I left it running all night but nothing is happening....

All the old thanks from abe Post thank hack will not import but all the thanks from when then first time I installed this hack remain, also nothing is showing in the postbit for either thanks or like.

I dont usually have any problems when upgrading but I can not seem to get this working for me.

I have lost loads of thanks in members posts.....

Keep getting this when finalising the installation

Processing: 8820
Processing: 8821
Processing: 8822
Processing: 8823
Processing: 8824
Processing: 8825
Processing: 8826
Database Error 	Database error
The TechKings database has encountered a problem.
Please try the following:

    * Load the page again by clicking the Refresh button in your web browser.
    * Open the home page, then try to open another page.
    * Click the Back button to try another link.

The forum technical staff have been notified of the error, though you may contact them if the problem persists.
We apologise for any inconvenience.

Database error in vBulletin 4.0.7:

Invalid SQL:
ALTER TABLE user DROP dbtech_thanks_likes;

MySQL Error   : Can't DROP 'dbtech_thanks_likes'; check that column/key exists
Error Number  : 1091
Request Date  : Thursday, November 11th 2010 @ 07:44:49 AM
Error Date    : Thursday, November 11th 2010 @ 07:44:50 AM
Script        :*************/thanks.php?do=finalise&version=110&startat=8615&pp=250
Referrer      :**************/thanks.php?do=finalise&version=110&startat=8356&pp=250
IP Address    : *****
Username      : ********
Classname     : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.91-community-log

*= edited out.
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You shouldn't have run that when updating to the beta, just running the finalise script would have been enough.

Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk
Nah afterwards it ran the Finalise process which is what generated that error.

Manually run /admincp/thanks.php?do=finalise&version=111 - hopefully that'll do it :)
I did that and it run all the way but the thanks are still missing, some styles show the thanks like but your unable to click on them, pressing them does nothing, they are there as text without the smile thumbs up icon.

On my default style they appear and work fine, but show non of the thanks from abes thanks even though they were before upgrading.

See picture.


It shows the smile as if a member has thanked this post, problem being there were over 190 thanks on this post, (forum rules) but it still shows nothing.....

This user has loads of thanks and likes but again, nothing showing,


And ^^^^ this is the same for EVERYONE!

Something else I just noticed which is very weird!!.

See this picture of a users thanks/likes.

See how it shows NO thanks.


When I click on thanks look at it now.......


I need someone to have a good look at this as this isn't down to a fault of mine by the looks of things.
When did you download the Beta files? Because the missing text is a bug I hotfixed. If you downloaded it a while ago, try re-downloading and re-uploading all files, then re-importing the XML file.

Are you running some form of cache system like vBOptimise? If so, please try flushing it.

And finally, did you customise any of the APTL templates? If so, please try reverting those customisations.

As for the missing thanks, try running the maintenance modes, hopefully that'll correct it.

If none of this makes a single bit of difference, please PM me with an Administrator account that can has at least Can Admin Styles and Can Admin Thanks, and an FTP account. Then I should be able to fix it relatively quickly :)
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I downloaded the mod last night, and then again this morning.

VBOptimise was turned off a while back when it was causing a problem with another mod from here and still remains off.

I edited the dbtech_thanks_postbit_entries to show thanks for members only for SEO reasons but now has been reverted, I uploaded all the files to the server then overwrote the XML, no luck.

Ran clear up and maintenance still no change.

Will send you an admin account with those permissions.
Fillip H. got this sorted for me, was a fault of mine due to hiding thanks from guests.

Thank you for the great support you guys have here.

Really pleased and apologies for the hassle I caused.

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