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I dont know why I am having problems with this, I dont usually have problems with mods lol.

Here is what a member posted on my forum with the required like button ticked.


So without thanks it looks like this,


Looks as it should, BUT when a user clicks thanks it doesn't show anything.....


Its the same for everyone that uses it on all browsers.

Even after refresh it still doesn't show.

I have reverted templates, and checked all the settings but cant figure out why it doesn't show.
I have done that now and all went well,

Uploaded all files to correct places, overwritten xml,

I still had to set dbtech_thanks_x_clicked_y_others to GLOBAL, for it to show thanks for more than so many thanks....

Dont know why that has to be done each time?

Same as above apart from when quoted it now shows

-= Hidden Content =-

Still nothing shows when thanks is added....

Just a blank post whether its a new thread or a post.

Thanks again man.
You didn't need to re-import the XML, I didn't tell you to :)

Please link me to a post with hidden content and I'll check it out myself :)
Probably some conflict somewhere, can you restore the previously added FTP account? I'll check it out then :)
This is STILL not fixed, starting to loose faith with DBtech, this should have been sorted out by now ALSO.

When using the hide until thanks or like tick, to get round clicking thanks or like, all a member has to do is search that members posts via profile.

Click members profile, view all posts then it shows a list, in there it shows whatever is hidden in full text.

It's a shame I have to go open to get a result, been waiting via pm for too long for a result now.

Connection problem via FTP and then saying they cant even get on my forum is an excuse just my opinion.


Please fix this or a refund will be fine, I only bought this because it stated that it hide the post until a thanks or like was given.

If this is not the case a refund will be fine.

Many thanks.
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This is STILL not fixed, starting to loose faith with DBtech, this should have been sorted out by now ALSO.

When using the hide until thanks or like tick, to get round clicking thanks or like, all a member has to do is search that members posts via profile.

Click members profile, view all posts then it shows a list, in there it shows whatever is hidden in full text.

It's a shame I have to go open to get a result, been waiting via pm for too long for a result now.

Connection problem via FTP and then saying they cant even get on my forum is an excuse just my opinion.


Please fix this or a refund will be fine, I only bought this because it stated that it hide the post until a thanks or like was given.

If this is not the case a refund will be fine.

Many thanks.

Please bear in mind that the version you are using is, and always has been, marked as a Beta. If you are uncomfortable with the potential for bugs and errors inherent in a Beta version, please uninstall it and use the previous gold version instead.

Please also remember that while we do our utmost to carry out support in the quickest and most efficient manner possible, we are unable to constantly retry information we are having issues with (such as forum logins). I have been informed that this is the case with your particular issue.

The issue you reported has not been reported by any of the hundreds of users of the previous gold version, nor the dozens of users of the current Beta version,

As such your forum represents the first time we have ever come across it - it is not an open, known about bug which we have failed to fix, it is an as-yet undiagnosed issue on your forum which we are attempting to fix.

In addition we clearly state (and recommend) testing the Lite versions of our products first on your forum. 99% of the time this will highlight any potential problem or conflict and so you can wait until it's resolution until you decide to purchase. We specifically account for this in our terms and conditions by offering a refund if a Lite product works on a forum, but a Pro product does not (and we are unable to fix it)

Thank you for your understanding and co operation in this.

After 3 hours of attempting to resolve the search issue, I have concluded that it is simply not possible to fix on vBulletin versions above (I think) 4.0.6 - when they changed their search system.

I have therefore amended the Readme.txt file for users of the BETA version with instructions on how to fix this. This has been confirmed to work on vBulletin 4.0.8 PL2, mileage may vary on other systems.

Please note that there's currently no other HIDE-enabled modification that currently offer this protection, you are welcome to try this out for yourself.

I am sorry that due to the network problems I will be unable to assist you in resolving the mod conflict issue you are experiencing with the thanks button on your forum.
This is STILL not fixed, starting to loose faith with DBtech, this should have been sorted out by now ALSO.

When using the hide until thanks or like tick, to get round clicking thanks or like, all a member has to do is search that members posts via profile.

Click members profile, view all posts then it shows a list, in there it shows whatever is hidden in full text.

It's a shame I have to go open to get a result, been waiting via pm for too long for a result now.

Connection problem via FTP and then saying they cant even get on my forum is an excuse just my opinion.


Please fix this or a refund will be fine, I only bought this because it stated that it hide the post until a thanks or like was given.

If this is not the case a refund will be fine.

Many thanks.

they are doing things best they can..and they are doing a great job!
If there is a connection problem to my forum, as per the pm I sent Fillip H., can you send me your details so that my host can do a traceroute to see where the problem lies why you cannot connect to my forum.

Many Thanks.
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Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms DD-WRT []
2 7 ms 7 ms 7 ms
3 8 ms 10 ms 11 ms []
4 12 ms 28 ms 8 ms []
5 17 ms 12 ms 8 ms []
6 9 ms 9 ms 10 ms
7 108 ms 106 ms 110 ms []
8 109 ms 109 ms * []
9 109 ms 120 ms 109 ms []
10 108 ms 108 ms 105 ms []
11 * * * Request timed out.
12 * * * Request timed out.
13 * * * Request timed out.
14 * * * Request timed out.
15 * * * Request timed out.
16 * * * Request timed out.
17 * * * Request timed out.
18 * * * Request timed out.
19 * * * Request timed out.
20 * * * Request timed out.
21 * * * Request timed out.
22 * * * Request timed out.
23 * * * Request timed out.
24 * * * Request timed out.
25 * * * Request timed out.
26 * * * Request timed out.
27 * * * Request timed out.
28 * * * Request timed out.
29 * * * Request timed out.
30 * * * Request timed out.

Trace complete.
It's still incredibly slow but it works now.

Looking into the post disappearance.
After updating to v1.1.1 and finding the problem was still unresolved, and after no small amount of tests, I've identified and fixed the problem.

It was a combination of a problem in my code that must only be affecting your specific vBulletin version, and also the fact that for some reason, your forum seems to aggressively cache BBCode parsed posts in a way I was unable to identify the cause of. I tried temporarily disabling vBSEO, but that had no effect.
In any case, I simply unset the pre-parsed post element in order to force it to use my parsed version, for those posts that have a HIDE tag present and require a button click.

Feel free to shed any light on this mystery if you have any idea as to the cause.
No as the Beta file in the downloads area will be patched :)

EDIT: If you meant the vBulletin file edit then yes, it will need to be re-applied each time you upgrade vBulletin.
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