Question URL's not working after intall / 500 ISE after .htaccess

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Just ordered and installed your software, everything seemed good.

URL's on the forum got changed, but all of them would lead to a 404 Error.

I figured maybe my root .htaccess was to blame, so I edited the .htaccess in my /forum/ directory to match what was in the readme, all that did was give me 500 ISE over everything.

Not sure what I did wrong, but if anyone could help it'd be appreciated! It's late here :)

Note, I currently have the main website set up as The Fighting 1:18 - It's a way of life | The Fighting 1:18th! and the forums are installed as The Fighting 1:18th but also used to run them as The Fighting 1:18th

Not sure if that makes a difference.
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Gahh.. okay, so I did some more digging and found a .htaccess you had uploaded for someone else, and when I copy/pasted THAT it worked fine.

Who knows. User error. Did I mention it's late?

Anyhoo.. now it seems to be working, but it's forwarding everything to etc instead of using etc any idea how to stop it from doing that?

It's not really a deal breaker, since you can still go to the it just takes you out of the subdomain which could break other things.
The mod will use the value of the "Forum URL" vBulletin Option to rewrite its URLs.
Right! Ah, duh. Fixed that in the admin CP. Like I said, it was late :) And it's been a while.

One other issue that popped up.. I had some small plugin installed to automatically convert youtube links from links to the youtube player. Installing Dragon SEO seems to have broken that. They're showing up as links again.. assuming it's not parsing the text the same way, or the redirect is rendering that moot?

Any ideas? Thanks!
Try setting the execution order on the youtube converter plugin running on the postdata_presave hook to 1.
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