Unlimited tournament money

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So right now, there's no limit on the number of Gil given to win a tournament. The prize money comes out of thin air.

This leaves it open to exploitation. ( I know you can limit who can start a tournament, but...), I just think the money should be "real".

My suggestion would be that there is a pool of money that the system has, based on it's winnings. You mentioned that the cards it wins are "discarded". How about assiging a value to each card level, this "discard" value is then added to the pool. Anyone starting a tournament can then pull however much up to that number to create a tournament prize value.
Hmm, sounds a little complicated. Personally I don't mind the thin-air part because it can be limited to specific usergroups. However I think an idea I have is a perfect middle-ground, let me know what you think of it:

- Tournament Entry Fee / Aggregated Winnings
If the entry fee is 50 Gil/Gold/etc, and there are 8 members. The tournamnet winner would receive 400 Gil. The tournament starter can specify the fee required :)
Hmm, sounds a little complicated. Personally I don't mind the thin-air part because it can be limited to specific usergroups. However I think an idea I have is a perfect middle-ground, let me know what you think of it:

- Tournament Entry Fee / Aggregated Winnings
If the entry fee is 50 Gil/Gold/etc, and there are 8 members. The tournamnet winner would receive 400 Gil. The tournament starter can specify the fee required :)

Sounds like a good idea to me, it would also allow for basically anyone to create a tournament too, which I like. Right now I limit my "standard" level users from messing with that, but I'd like for them to be able to create 'em. Good idea. =)
Just a little addition here:

I'd like to see members be able to start tournaments offering free/reduced entry and putting up prize money from their own funds for it =)

An option for certain usergroups to create tournaments using the current style would be good as well (i.e "invent" gil for it)
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