New member
I want to remove a swarm of lite versions of DBTech mods that I've tried out via the lite version, but I can't.

This is the list:

DBTech - InfoPanels +
DBTech - AJAX Threads +
DBTech - Forum Tabs +
DBTech - Live Feed +
DBTech - vBActivity +
DBTech - User Tagging +
DBTech - Registration +
DBTech - Custom Nav +
DBTech -vBNavTabs 4.2 +

I've decided that I'll buy vBActivity once I scrape together some more cash, but for now I would like full instructions on how to remove these. My hosting site said they couldn't find a means to do so, which is a bit off-putting.
Here's what my web host geek said:

I searched for any means of removing the DBTech modules from the admin area of the vBulletin, but did not find such means. Manually removing the files from the dbtech directory did not work either. Then I searched for the installation instructions with the intention of attempt a removal based on the installation instructions, however I was not able to find such instructions.

Could you please contact the developers of these modules and ask them for uninstall instructions, which I can then use for removing the modules from your website without disrupting the normal functionality of the forum.
You can remove all of these mods and any DBT mod for that matter the same as you would for any mod. In the products manager of your ACP = Uninstall.
Then you remove the files via FTP. Never remove the files first. If this has been done you will need to re-upload the files and then uninstall.
You can remove all of these mods and any DBT mod for that matter the same as you would for any mod. In the products manager of your ACP = Uninstall.
Then you remove the files via FTP. Never remove the files first. If this has been done you will need to re-upload the files and then uninstall.

Thanks very much for your reply, man.

So in the FTP, do I just delete the entire folder per mod?

These ones, I mean:

Yes you would remove those folders but if you would like a clean sweep or a complete removal there will also be associated files and folders for most of the mods.
The process I use to remove all files from mods I un-install is I re-download the mod open the package and review all the files located in the "upload" folder. I then remove them via FTP.
The instructions provided by CD are correct, thanks :)

I'm honestly quite surprised that your web host could not find the "uninstall" drop-down in the plugin interface :confused: