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I've searched this forum for any detailed information on this topic, as well as, with no luck.

What I'm trying to do is set vBCredits II up so I can transfer from 1 currency to another, and in this case I have the default Points & Savings currencies from the upgrade to vBCredits II.

On, all I noticed last time I checked was something about making a transfer event for both currencies, but even after doing so I'm left with only this:


I'm sure it's possible as I've seen another website do exactly what I'm asking about, and here is a screenshot of their popup:


This is a key feature for me, and I'd rather not use another banking system to handle transferring from Points to Savings.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Do you have an edited credits_popup template (not sure what you upgraded from)? If so, revert it as important parts of it were drastically changed in 2.0.0
Do you have an edited credits_popup template (not sure what you upgraded from)? If so, revert it as important parts of it were drastically changed in 2.0.0

I have the default template, I also just edited it and reverted it to make sure. I upgraded from the 3.x version prior to vBCredits II. It wasn't the DBTech version, but it also wasn't the upgraded PixelFX version. It was this one I believe, from back before my 4.x upgrade before vBCredits II was released:

Also, Plugins & Products, it also says I'm running 2.0.0:
DragonByte Tech: vBCredits II Deluxe (Lite) 2.0.0
Hm, this might be a bug.

in (forums)/dbtech/credits/credits_core.php find

if ($curid == $currencyid AND (sizeof($vbulletin->vbcredits['event']['donate'][$curid]) OR sizeof($vbulletin->vbcredits['event']['transfer'][$curid])))
replace with

if (sizeof($vbulletin->vbcredits['event']['donate'][$curid]) OR sizeof($vbulletin->vbcredits['event']['transfer'][$curid]))
see if that fixes it for you
Last edited:
Hm, this might be a bug.

in (dbtech)/credits/credits_core.php find

if ($curid == $currencyid AND (sizeof($vbulletin->vbcredits['event']['donate'][$curid]) OR sizeof($vbulletin->vbcredits['event']['transfer'][$curid])))

replace with

if (sizeof($vbulletin->vbcredits['event']['donate'][$curid]) OR sizeof($vbulletin->vbcredits['event']['transfer'][$curid]))

see if that fixes it for you

That fixed it! Was this just a problem with the type of setup I have, or a problem with just the Lite version? I'm very curious.

Thanks for the fix btw!
It is a bug in the lite version only, legacy code from incompletely removing a pro feature from that line. i guess none of the lite users have run into this until now!
It is a bug in the lite version only, legacy code from incompletely removing a pro feature from that line. i guess none of the lite users have run into this until now!

I had seen people ask about it on, but I guess since most didn't realize what it was supposed to be, they didn't know how to fully explain it.

Thanks, and I'm glad this bug is out of the way! :)
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