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Looked but didn't see this suggestion anywhere.

Will there be the ability to wager gil or set up something where you win gil by winning a match?
Double post but I want to explain.

See my users are freaks. Some of them are very OCD and they want gil. So to get gil they've started up something that we used to have that annoyed everyone and that's the "Say Something About the Person Above You" thread. Just to post. If I could find some way to tie gil to something other than posting I could have them playing a lot of games to get money instead of post-spamming.

Users. *pfft*
I like those threads :p

Regardless, we will be implementing many in-game ways of getting money. Additionally TT can integrate into other money modifications (like uCash), so whatever methods they have for getting money will apply to TT.
Yeah I just got uCash for this expressed purpose as well as the Point Marketplace hack.

But it's all so new and they are afraid. Change is scary.
Yeah I understand :) We're looking at backporting to vB 3.8 at the moment and getting Lite releases for both vB4/3. After that we can begin making big changes :)
Just a little note that in the next major version of vBActivity, you'll be able to use points from it for TT as well as a few other integrations =)
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