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The only issue I am still having is the editor toolbar seems to have an issue with moving the font selection to a second line and the color selector format is whacked. This seems to be a problem even in the default skin.
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I take part of that back...besides the problems I am seeing in chrome with the editor, safari and firefox is a mess. Chats are running out of the chatbox down the page. :(

Clearing cache fixed the other browser problems. Should be a fun day of dealing with telling members they need to do this.

I can't seem to get the chat to display problem to resolve in iphone (safari or chrome). I know you don't support mobile devices, but it would be nice if chat wouldn't spill over the page contents.
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Chrome on vB3 has one issue, namely the colour selector is all on one line. I cannot fix this due to a CSS styling limitation / bug in Webkit - they do not accept certain styles applied to <ul> tags.

It's unfortunately not feasible for us to support mobile browsers :(
After checking out chat on other browsers...including chrome on a pc rather than my mac, the chat is running down the page over the other forum content.

Regarding the color selector, can you make it an option to use the old line running across the page is not going to be acceptable.

I am fairly cool with the stance of not supporting mobile...except when the chat box spills over top of content rendering the remainder of the page unusable. I'm guessing this may be a site specific problem (although the issue is present in the default style).

I would appreciate any suggestions you can provide to resolve this. You are still setup with a login on my site. But here is a quick screen shot showing what is happening. It seems as though the vbshout css isn't loading:
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I believe I have fixed the issue. But the css loaded by vbshoutcss.php seems difficult to un-cache/reload. Is there a way to force this for users?
How did you fix it?

As for making it easier to reload, what I'll do in the next version of vBShout is create a number field in the AdminCP that you can increment to force the browser to re-cache the CSS file :)
Well in the template css file I had a conditional to only load the css on the pages I needed it. Because it was loading that in your css.php file, my conditional was telling it not to load the template...I noticed that part of the css was empty.

What's your eta on the re-cache version? Telling all my members to recache isn't going to be fun at all. If we are a day out, I may just leave chat off line till its good to go.

Any thoughts on a work around for the color menu for chrome?
Well in the template css file I had a conditional to only load the css on the pages I needed it. Because it was loading that in your css.php file, my conditional was telling it not to load the template...I noticed that part of the css was empty.
Aha, I see :)

What's your eta on the re-cache version? Telling all my members to recache isn't going to be fun at all. If we are a day out, I may just leave chat off line till its good to go.
No ETA, I need to make sure there's no other issues before I can push another version :)

Any thoughts on a work around for the color menu for chrome?
I couldn't come up with any, it seems to be a limitation of Chrome itself :(
We're on vB4, and the menus are generated slightly different on vB4 due to the usage of YUI menus :)
When I look at the code, it seems like it is missing the containing div for the colors.

Try something like this...except, it also needs the toggle applied to the div to go between "active-->display: block" and "not active display: none".

<div class="editorpopupbody popupbody" style="z-index: 1000; position: absolute; display:block; left: 6px; top: 20px">

<ul class="submenu editorpopupbody popupbody" name="dbtech_vbshout_colorrow" data-instanceid="$instance[instanceid]">
Actually adding a width like this makes it work:

<ul class="submenu editorpopupbody popupbody" name="dbtech_vbshout_colorrow" data-instanceid="$instance[instanceid]" style="width:144px">

Now just need to get the size menu back on the first line.
I've been able to fix it another way, it can be fixed by re-downloading and re-uploading /dbtech/vbshout/clientscript/vbshout.js :)
I'm not sure why the size selector wants to go to the second line. I finally just moved its position from the pro menu template to the regular to get it where I want it. My preference would be a real fix since my template changes just end up being future problems as chat gets upgraded.


I'll d/l the new file and try it out. :) Thanks!
Your file works. I'm not sure I like the delay/snap thing it has to do, but it works. I wonder if there is any advantage to the js versus css (styling the width) solution?
You can edit the template that calls it (search for vbshoutcss.php as I don't recall the exact template name) and add ?v=1 to the end, incrementing the number as needed.

I've not tested out setting the width yet, I'll do that now and update as needed :)
Update: You were right, adding a width solved it. I've updated the XML file and reverted the change to the vbshout.js file in the release package now :)
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