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Is there a list for all that files we should exclude from rewriting?
Yesterday i found out that the relative url for my .css war rewritten wrong, now i am afraid that more inludes int the source will be wrong.
I am shure that this problem was solved many times before, so i ask if there is a list for all files that normally should be excluded, please.

Thank you a lot.
We have not received any reports of URLs being rewritten wrong before, so we have no such exclusion list to provide, sorry :(
Yes, it comes from "/css.css" instead of "../css.css".
All links inside vb are relativ to the document, while i use links relative to doc-root.

Please tell me. Do the script rewrites all files from vb or only certain choosen ones?

You have given an example for attachment.php. So this is rewritten or not, please?
You should change those links to absolute URLs (i.e. instead of relative to doc root. Please fix this configuration issue on your site to enable this and other similar modifications to work as intended.
For shure it is solved.
But please tell me. What does the script with all that internal links like attachment.php for example?
The system rewrites all files from vb and i have to exclude things or it rwrites only forum.php, showthread.php and so on?
I'm not sure what the question is, but if you have enabled Attachment rewrites then links to attachments will be rewritten based on the URL format in the settings.
I am sorry for my knowledge of your language. I will try it again:

In VB we have a lot of files that are needed, but that nobody wants to have in an index of a search-engine.
For example ajax.php or /includes

So i have defined a robots.txt and tell the engines: Stay away from here and here and here!
But if the engine will see now maybe ajax.html but i told to stay away from ajax.php then the engine will index this file, right?
For shure i can say: stay away from "ajax", so the engine should not take neither ajax.php nor ajax.html, but i dont know whta you do with all that files that should not be in the search engines.
DBSEO will not submit any of those files to the sitemap index, so there's no problem there.
Sorry, I'm confused. If you want to disable indexing of Album URLs, you can do so from the Sitemap settings.
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