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Having just upgraded my forum to vb 4.1.3, I have changed the thanks system on my test site to you "pro" package.

I am now running the import script, which I left at the default 15, but notice in the URL bar that the figure is only going up by 1...

Once this has finished, do I just run the options in the maintenance section to get my stats back?

Is there a way I can check that it is importing them?

I believe the import script will also properly rebuild the stats, but if not then the maintenance should work yeah :)

You can try visiting a member you know have received thanks in the old mod's profile and see if they show up there.

Having been working on my test site with this addition, I have used the import script, and updated all the options in the admincp, but non of my counts have increased... any idea why? seems as though it has not imported :(

Did you run the recalculate function like the importer said on the last page?
I will have a go and see what happens, it is on a test site at the moment hidden from the public view, so I can do what I like with it ;) Will try and let you know.
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