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I'm running an add on to resize photos that are too large for the site to view without causing display issues with other page elements.

It appears that after every x seconds (need to actually time it) the chats are being refreshed...which in turn causes the image to resize. The effect is the entire page jitters.

The previous chat box we used didn't do that at all with the same resizing add on.

I'm hoping there is a way to fix this because members on my site tend to post pics in chat quite often.
Compatibility with 3rd party addons isn't really something we're able to guarantee.

In any event, we use vBulletin standard BBCode parsing for the IMG tag so if theirs doesn't hook into that there's sadly nothing we can do :(
The problem is...and maybe you can change this to a feature request...that if a member posts an image that is too large for the chat box, it needs to be sized so that members can view it (right?). The standard bbcode img tag doesn't account for this (why I have no idea). Which is why most folks go with some mod or change in css to resize images.

So if we can have a setting for the max image size in chat that doesn't cause member's displays to go berzerk, that would be awesome. :)

I'm not an expert in these issues...but as I mentioned this wasn't an issue with MCG chat. It is behaving as if every so many seconds, the chat stops and resizes the img again...maybe it needs to be cached or something (have no idea...just throwing out ideas).
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I just want to stress....beg....for a solution to resize images. My members post a lot of photos in chat and if they are larger than the shoutarea (almost always is the case) it causes the shout box to "jump" seizure inducing fashion as the ajax refreshes the chat which causes them to go back to their original size and quickly be resized.

I'd be a happy to give you a demo of the issue.

I will say that I have a resize bbcode that I developed for the forums that when that is used, it seems to stop the jumpy display. I'm working on training my members to use it, but it is not easy to do.
Having thought this through....the reason my image resize bbcode works is it specifies a width via css. Whereas the normal forum images are resized via a max width the system has to first read the image to determine whether or not to resize it. I think if we just has an admin setting to specify the width of every img tag that is used in chat ...the problem would be solved. :)
Having thought this through....the reason my image resize bbcode works is it specifies a width via css. Whereas the normal forum images are resized via a max width the system has to first read the image to determine whether or not to resize it. I think if we just has an admin setting to specify the width of every img tag that is used in chat ...the problem would be solved. :)

Unfortunately an option like that isn't a simple or quick thing we can just throw in - we've had a look and concluded that really we'd have to write an entire image re-sizer for the shoutbox in order to make it work reliably.

The best thing to do is pop image resizing as a feature request to make sure it gets noticed when the next version is designed.

As far as the issue you are having just now, I recommend only giving IMG bbcode permissions to users who know not to post huge images (or to use the code you have developed). You could do this by setting only a certain secondary UG to have those permissions, and assigning those users that secondary UG.

Unfortunately the Shoutbox was never designed for displaying images, just as a chatting solution.

That's unfortunate. :( I know the bbcode I use with simple width=300px works great...if I could just run a conditional style sheet of something for the chat, I'd be all set.
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