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Hello, me again =)

some users from my board say, that the shouts are centeres at internet explorer.

I test it with IE8 and have the same problem.

Any idea to fix it?

Since you've indicated this issue does not happen on the default skin, there's sadly nothing we can do as we're unable to assist with issues brought on by custom skins :(
Oh...i buy a product and dont get support for it, because i dont use default skin? Wow, that is support. But you know, that 80% of all boards dont use the default skin?

DBTech, never again.

Please understand that we are unable to support custom skins due to the fact that we have no idea how they are coded, and if we supported customisations to our products or took the time to fix broken skins (you are the first person to report a custom skin centering shouts in any browser) we would have no time to work on the products themselves.
Hello Fillip H.,

i understand that but i dont find any rule, BEFORE i buy a plugin, that custom-designs are not supportet. I think 40€/3 Month is a lot of money for non-custom-support. I dont have such problems with other Pay-Plugins and that makes me angry.
As per our Terms & Conditions, which you told us you read before buying, you are not paying for support - you are in fact paying for the development time that went into the mod :)

The 3 months refer to how far into the future you receive updates :)
You are receiving support right now, there are simply limits to what we are able to do.

If you posted a thread saying "My shoutbox is stuck saying Loading..." then we would assist you, as that would be a problem with our mod, not with your forum / skin.
Hello, me again =)

some users from my board say, that the shouts are centeres at internet explorer.

I test it with IE8 and have the same problem.

Any idea to fix it?

centeres? you will need to explain what you mean that that does not make sense
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