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I'm getting the following error, after upgrading to 4.1.8 Beta 1. (Had to disable the mod temporarily.)

Fatal error: Class vB_Cache_Observer_vBOptimise contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (vB_Cache_Observer::eventPurge) in .../vb/cache/observer/vboptimise.php on line 263
A hotfix has been released, we're about to begin the upgrade here ourselves.

If you re-download and re-upload the product, it should be fixed for you :)
For clarification ...

I have v2.30 pro installed and in my customer area, it shows v2.30 as the current one.

Are you saying re-download it and install it anyway?

Thanks .. :)

Only the files changed, you don't need to re-import the XML, but you should re-download and re-upload the files for 2.3.0 if you plan to upgrade to 4.1.8 :)
Ok with this fixed it worked

Is it not possible to inform the customers by e-mail when releasing a new version?
this would be more professional i guess and would inform users directly
You are, but if you declined admin emails when registering (or via the profile later) then you do not receive newsletters either. Otherwise, we would be in violation of spam policies :)
You are, but if you declined admin emails when registering (or via the profile later) then you do not receive newsletters either. Otherwise, we would be in violation of spam policies :)

you are right, i might was looking over it... My appologies !
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