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just vb Optimise v2.4.0 Upgraded but i can't access my admin panel and forum
error messege?
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class vB_Cache_Observer_vBOptimise in /home/xxx/public_html/vb/cache/vboptimise.php on line 304

how to fix it ?
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Note: If you had the old vB Optimise 1.3.1, you should completely uninstall it prior to installing this version.
Note: If you are upgrading it is strongly recommended you disable vB Optimise during this process.

1. Upload the contents of the upload folder to your forum directory.
2. Install the product 'product-_vboptimise_dbtech.xml' from the XML folder. (If upgrading, ensure "Allow Override" is selected).
3. Configure vB Optimise from your Admin CP.

No I cannot fix it now see my forum just Disable this Product via includes/config.php file, define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
Here's the contents of the document Ozzy mentioned:
|| Table of contents ||
|| 1. Specific Upgrade Notes ||

|| 1. Specific Upgrade Notes ||

This version changes a few things you should be aware of:

The directory structure has changed, you will need to CHMOD the following
directory to 0777 in order for it to work fully after you have upgraded:

Once your forum has been upgraded successfully, you can delete the old
/vboptimise folder if you wish, leaving the new one in /dbtech/vboptimise

Have you followed these steps?
Please PM me with an FTP account and an AdminCP account, if so I should be able to resolve this for you :)
Fixed, the files weren't uploaded correctly. For the future, please ensure you've dragged and dropped the contents of the upload folder to your public_html folder :)

It's easier if you install an FTP program and use that to upload rather than using cPanel's File System Manager :)
vBSecurity a big problem when Disable vBSecurity for access in admin panel than Enable vBSecurity Administrator second password not working,This problem solved by uninstalled Than new Installed !so need fix this problem.
Unfortunately it's not possible for us to have elements of a mod working if the mod is disabled :(
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