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When I like a game then I refresh the page it is always "266" but in fact only one or a few members liked it

Not that I have seen yet, I tested it on a few games and it shows correctly.

I see he allows guests to play, maybe guests are clicking like on that game.
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Shouldnt matter if guests do it - it shows up on their profiles if they are logged in, your site is hardly involved.
i also just tried to regenerate the code from fb themselves, and it still comes out the same...
I just installed a new game to make sure then I liked it
It was Likes: 1
Then I refresh 267

Also it does not seem to be posted on FB

I did some more tests it does not like game individually
It like ""

(my arcade page
so we can like only one time
We technically do no not like game singly

I tested it with 3 facebook accounts
Even on arcade on this site too
When we like once it will not count anymore since it is always the same link
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Aha - so thats your issue. It is supposed to be generating the link for the game page, not your homepage over and over.

I just looked at dbtech's arcade like you said, and its still putting the whole link properly. if you havent PMd me your ftp and an admin login, please send it so i can see why your site isnt doing that.
When I like a game on your site then look on FB for the link

The link is:


I like any game
I refresh
The count is like 25
Then I go like another game then refresh
The count is still 25

Then you can try with another facebook account
Like any game now the like count will be 26
but if I like any game again from this account it will be 26 until that some else like it

Go look at the like count for any game
Then go in your template for FB and change the "$href" for "" or add another FB like button next to it
You will see that they are same
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Just looked deeper into this - the games themselves are correctly outputting the right urls on the like buttons, but vbulletin's opengraph info has already been rendered with the default site junk - thus making the uniqueness pointless. i am trying to get it to override with game details instead.
think i got it: edit arcade.php and find

$game['instruction'] = nl2br($game['instruction']);

add below

    $ogfix = array(
        'type' => 'game',
        'title' => $game['title'],
        'description' => $game['description'],
        'url' => $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/arcade.php?game=' . $game['gameid'],
        'image' => $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/dbtech/vbarcade/media/' . $game['gameid'] . '/' . $game['badge']

    foreach ($ogfix AS $prop => $value)
    {    //add or replace the opengraph tags
        if (strpos($headinclude, 'property="og:' . $prop) === false) $headinclude = str_replace('<meta property="og:site_name"', '<meta property="og:' . $prop . '" content="' . $value . '" /><meta property="og:site_name"', $headinclude);
        else $headinclude = preg_replace('/property="og:' . $prop . '" content=".*"/U', 'property="og:' . $prop . '" content="' . $value . '"', $headinclude);
It seem to work for some games
I think that the server need more time to apply it to others?
Or their is a way to refresh it for all games?
facebook seems to cache the urls' data. i dont think you or i have the ability to tell them to flush that cache though. lets hope its timebased and not that long!
thats what i used to find out the problem (as well as verify the fix) :p didnt know using it flushes the cache though.
did you check to see if it fixed the games though? again, youd have to look at facebook for tools for doing that (which i have no idea sorry)

looks like maybe you can speed it up a bit. put this in your dbtech_vbarcade_game template somewhere

<img src="$href" width="0" />

Then merely visit each game, and the page should ping the server with its url. refresh the page after the first load to see if Liking works.
dont forget to remove it from the template when you are done.
did you check to see if it fixed the games though? again, youd have to look at facebook for tools for doing that (which i have no idea sorry)

looks like maybe you can speed it up a bit. put this in your dbtech_vbarcade_game template somewhere

<img src="$href" width="0" />

Then merely visit each game, and the page should ping the server with its url. refresh the page after the first load to see if Liking works.
dont forget to remove it from the template when you are done.

It might be useful for someone else because I only have 71 games for now so it was pretty fast to debug all games that got liked at least once :)
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