Bug Expand game goes outside of the box

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Expanding the game does its job well with the exception of the gamename is now outside of the forum on the left and the expand checkbox is outside of the forum on the right. <span class="arcade_right"> shouldnt go outside of body_wrapper?
1 screenshot as requested.

Thats not a bug, because the title and buttons stick to the corners of the game.

I cant make it do that, while only adhering to the boundaries of the box within (mutually exclusive), so to do that would make it awkwardly sit centered if you increased the size of the game at all.

Using Expand is supposed to make it fill the whole screen anyway.

Now, Im not the best CSS person on earth, so if someone thinks im an idiot and can make it do both things (follow the corners of the game but only until it reaches the holding box) im ready to apply it! Note that the expansion feature itself is a little bit of css voodoo, since reflowing anything with the frame causes the flash to refresh itself, which is a very very bad side effect, so it does it with margins and junk.
Fair enough.

The CSS code would be something like

If expand=1 then

position: static\x;
margin-left: 25px\x;
float: right\x;

where x is the position at full screen + padding

I too am not the CSS guru :(
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