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Khan Jii

New member
hi i have this error in my shout box and on my site when any one put a smile this show also i want to remove it thanks
" class="inlineimg" />
This is the user tagging support forum. Is this an error with the user tag or the shoutbox? Is it the Lite or Pro version?
PRoblem with user tag. error display in shout box. and in post when someone add image. free version from dragon byte(Lite)
This has been posted before and is a known issue that will be addressed in a future update.
thanks for quick replay. so there is no problem if i still use mood?. and 1 more question which is not related to this section.. if i buy pro version of credits do i have to create the award system or it predefiend? thanks for Help
Perhaps you should advise people that the tagging mod is interfering with custom similes ?

Great mod though, I hope we get a patch soon, I'll be buying the pro when the issues are fixed

Awards system is part of the vbActivity & Awards mod, not vbcredits =)

Blandt, as a general rule we (and most companies including internet brands) don't put notices up for minor bugs - it would get silly fast =P
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