Bug dbseo using a lot of resources. upgraded to latest version with no change

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dbseo seems to be using more and more resources all the time.

this only really started a month or so ago. i updated vbulletin and dbseo to latest versions but still ahve lots of dbseo processes on the server all the time.

Are there any optimisations i can make to stop it from being so resource hungry?
Web resource monitors may incorrectly attribute all of vBulletin's resource usage as coming from DBSEO. This is incorrect, and you should not take that at face value.

DBSEO is compatible with whatever datastore system you add to vB's config.php (with the exception of Filecache), so the best way for you to boost performance is to install & use XCache.
ok i will try xcache.

Is it compatible with redis and varnish?
and or memcached (which might just be the same as xcache im unsure.)
I'm using XCache, seems to work well, its has opcode caching which DBSeo makes use of.
I was thinking of trying Redis myself as I see DBSeo V1.4.4 now makes use of it. I was going to compare the speed in various load scenario's, but not sure when I will get around to that.

To sum it up, Xcache works for my website.
Actually, DBSEO does not support Redis or WinCache (two options vBO adds that vBulletin does not support). Only eAccelerator (deprecated), APC, XCache and Memcache (only recommended for multi-server setups) are supported at this time.
As this ticket has received no further replies, I'll close it.

If you have any other issues or questions, please feel free to start a new support ticket :)
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