Bug Causing IE to freeze

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Some of my users are complaining that IE is freezing when using my forum. So I just tried IE in debug mode and it comes up with this error.

SCRIPT5009: 'vBShout' is undefined
vbshout.js?v=610, line 24 character 2

Line 24
if (typeof vBShout.instanceOptions == 'undefined' || fetchElem('form', false, 'form').length == 0)

Is this the reason it's freezing. ?
Please ensure you've reverted all customisations to vBShout templates and also try it in a default (unmodified) skin :)
Is it freezing for you, it loads fine for me in IE, it just comes up with the error when in debug mode. Only a few users who use IE say it freezes and the screen goes white for a few seconds.
The site does load fine, I can not see shout as a guest so I dunno about that. Do you happen to know which version of IE the users that are having the issues are running.
No, I will ask them tomorrow when they online again.

I created a test account if you want to check it's working.

U: DBTech

P: vbshout
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