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New member
Hey. I'm currently using Ajax Post Thank You Hack.

As you can see, all buttons have BLUE background except for Thanks:

Is there a way I can add this background to my " Thank " Button?:

I'd really appreciate it anyone could help.
You could edit the template dbtech_thanks_postbit_entries_actionbit and replace the contents of it with this:

<a href="javascript://" name="dbtech_thanks_button" data-postid="{vb:var post.postid}" data-button="{vb:raw button.varname}" style="padding-right:6px; background: [COLOR="#FFA500"]orange[/COLOR];"><img src="dbtech/thanks/images/{vb:raw button.varname}.png" alt="{vb:raw button.title}" border="0" style="top:0; vertical-align:middle;" /> {vb:raw phrase}</a>

Just change orange to a color you wish. If that don't work to your liking, let me know and I can change things up a bit possibly.
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You could edit the template dbtech_thanks_postbit_entries_actionbit and replace the contents of it with this:

<a href="javascript://" name="dbtech_thanks_button" data-postid="{vb:var post.postid}" data-button="{vb:raw button.varname}" style="padding-right:6px; background: [COLOR="#FFA500"]orange[/COLOR];"><img src="dbtech/thanks/images/{vb:raw button.varname}.png" alt="{vb:raw button.title}" border="0" style="top:0; vertical-align:middle;" /> {vb:raw phrase}</a>

Just change orange to a color you wish. If that don't work to your liking, let me know and I can change things up a bit possibly.

Hey Ozzy. Nice to see you again :)

It didn't work. I'm using this modification: [AJAX] Post Thank You Hack - Forum

Any ideas?
Ahh unfortunately we don't provide support for modifications that are not ours, sorry.
I would post in that modifications support thread, someone there might be able to help.
I would post in that modifications support thread, someone there might be able to help.

They're so ignorant lol. However, I must say, I liked the old service better. But I understand why you denied helping this time, no problem bro.

Thank you mate.
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