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I want to ask, the bbcode for "VBSLI" did you remove it from the mod?

Best regards,
It should install when the product installs, but I will look into it and see if there is an issue.
Sorry for the delay. I just looked at the package available from here and didn't see it anywhere. I'll go back through my dev stuff when I get home from work and see if it got lost in the shuffle when Fillip H. finalized the product.
Sorry for the delay. I just looked at the package available from here and didn't see it anywhere. I'll go back through my dev stuff when I get home from work and see if it got lost in the shuffle when @Fillip H. finalized the product.
Great thank you =D
I will be waiting for it *^*
But a little note, Fillip H. did a hotfix for the mod to support RTL =D
Sorry for the delay. I just looked at the package available from here and didn't see it anywhere. I'll go back through my dev stuff when I get home from work and see if it got lost in the shuffle when @Fillip H. finalized the product.
Hello, it's been a week since this =")
Yeah, I know, and I'm sorry I haven't gotten to it yet. I will try this weekend. My day job is killing me right now. Been working 12+ hrs a day at the office, then usually another 2-3 at night at the house. Mix in kids activities, and time to work on this just goes away...
Just took a quick glance at the code, and I think I see the issue. The code will look for either VBSLI or VBSLA, and extract the image URL for use in the slider, but thats it. Appears the custom BBCode never gets generated anywhere. I will do some testing on my lunch break to get it so you can manually insert the custom BBcode for now, and then I'll try to get a hotfix out that inserts the custom bbcode automatically on install.
Try the following settings for VBSLI custom BBCode. I haven't had a chance to mess with VBSLA just yet.


Thank you for the big help despite being busy =D

I add the bbcode then edit the thread and I put:

But it didn't show on slider, is it because the thread not new?
not it did not show even on the thread, is it like this should work?
Hmm... I'll try to play around with it more this weekend and see if I can recreate your issue. If the thread is older, and not within the parameters to be shown in the slider, then it won't show up, but the image should still show up in the thread itself.
I'm curious about this as well... I never realized this feature existed in the first place. :RpS_confused: Was it new with slider 3.0? Or was it always part of the product?
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