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Hi there,

im currently have a really strange problem.

This is what i have currently setted up:


To explain the Problem:
As you can see above i have modified the 'thread' action in this way that for every created thread a member gets 3 Credits.
That is all working but the problem appears as a member or myself was editing a thread:
Then this action got reverted and i have to spent 3 Credits and get again 3 Credits for a 'new' thread.

If a thread got deleted there should be reverted the 3 Credits.
But if someone just edit a thread there should not be charged any amount!

Have i setted up something wrong?


Please help me out!
If I understand you correctly, what you are seeing is this:
  1. User posts thread, gains 3 credits
  2. User edits the first post in a thread, loses 3 credits
  3. User re-gains 3 credits
They still end up with a net gain of 3 credits, correct?

If so, this is 100% intended functionality. The reason why this is happening is the "Word Amount" you're seeing in your second screenshot - if an event gives more credits per word, and they edit their post, the old amount needs to be taken away to re-calculate the correct amount on submission.

You could argue that if the Word Amount feature is not used, this should not be happening, but it was a design decision in order to reduce complexity in the code and reduce the chance of bugs.
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