
Does anyone know vBSEO is Returning ?



For our fellow site owners and forum enthusiasts, vBSEO will be back up and running under new management in the very near future.

We feel vBSEO remains one of the most valuable tools ever built to help grow online communities, and we are proud to continue supporting it's many customers.

We will continue developing and building vBSEO to support the future needs of the segment it serves.

Stay tuned for more information. Thank you.
But surely for this money I got at VBSeo greatest support. When here I can't see the support at all. I've wait for a week just for a Professional install, and it work with greatest bugs
But surely for this money I got at VBSeo greatest support. When here I can't see the support at all.
You will find a great many people who disagree with this statement :)

Also, I should make you aware that literally every vBSEO version in existence, even the latest, has multiple unfixed security vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities were almost exploited on this site, due to me having left the main vbseo.php file in the root directory, and we were only saved by the fact that I had deleted the vbseo directory.

Would you be able to get support from Crawlability if your site got exploited as a result of these bugs?

I've wait for a week just for a Professional install
Where do you live, where a week has only 48 hours in it?
I sent the original request for the information you failed to provide me with during purchase of the Pro Install on the 8th of May. You did not respond with the information I need until the 14th of May.

Please let me know what you expected me to do. Did you want me to send you a PM every day reminding you to provide me with the FTP account?

and it work with greatest bugs
When the product was installed, basic tests were performed (i.e. loading a random forum and a random thread). A Pro Install does not constitute a bug-free product, which is impossible to achieve.
But surely for this money I got at VBSeo greatest support. When here I can't see the support at all. I've waited for a week just for a Professional install, and it work with greatest bugs

You will find you will not get better support at any other site than here and all there plugins are 10 out of 10