=) What maximilian said - it's being worked on by Deceptor at the moment. Best place to keep up to date on the progress would be my Dev Blog probably.
A few suggestions to make:

- Users can set a timer for each quiz taken
- Yes/No answers or open answers allowed or choose between the 2 via AdminCP
- A percentage of how well or poorly they have done
- Review page to see which questions and answers they got wrong
The results should not be public until the contest has finished running.
The contest must have a start date and an end date (not to be always available to do), because the idea is to deliver prizes to the winners of the contest.
Also, you should be able to select two ways to inform the user as he went to answer the contest:
1) send a message thanking the participation
2) send a message thanking the participation and show the result obtained.

Example software: Module called Myquiz for XOOPS , a CMS software similar to joomla.

Sorry if this has already been answered, but will we be able to award users credits for scoring a certain score on a quiz?
OK I have 2 suggestions:

1. user must have more than X posts to take this Quiz.

2. If I make a Quiz and I want only 3 winners.

then after quiz finished and there is 5 winners (5 users answered all questions correctly in same time and every thing is the same)

A random draw to select 3 winners from 5 will be available for the Quiz manager.
Isn't there already a quiz system from vbcovers that is doing everything that is posted here?

Possibly, the suggestions here though are purely that - the quiz I'm making has a few surprise features that helps it break out of what would be considered "typical" :) Anything suggested then can be added ontop or integrated into my initial design (or towards future development). I just need more time to work on it as Cosmic keeps throwing me higher priority jobs :D
Cosmic, we need what Deceptor can finish Vbquiz hehehe !!! Do not give him more work than Vbquiz
They estimate a date?
I'm hoping this software two months ago, and I'm anxious, I count the days and go to page to see if any new developments.
My site looks very eager to have Vbquiz

A hug to everyone
=P Deceptor is helping out with some optimisation etc for the RPG but he'll be back to working full time on vbquiz soon =)
Hello Cosmic and all Team of DragonByte !!! :)

Done from the month of April I read in the forum vbulletin.org that DragonByte Tech develop this mod, I'm very anxious to wait for his release.
Got news?

I send you a big hug from Argentina!
Still being developed :P

We'll send an email when it's finished :)

As our go to guy and dev team leader Deceptor's attention gets pulled in many directions - we know people are anxious for it and it is going to be his next full mod release :)
It's finished when it's finished!! "Opportunity cost" are the words.

Anyway, we have to wait for news. Thanks for the effort.
As far as coding and excuses go this beats them all? If you can't do the coding why don't you say so instead of the lies?
As far as coding and excuses go this beats them all? If you can't do the coding why don't you say so instead of the lies?

When you see the lie? I don't see an ETA...i think now the developer are very busy with the updates of mods and the new mods for Xenforo.
As far as coding and excuses go this beats them all? If you can't do the coding why don't you say so instead of the lies?

=) We have never promised a release date, and we have been releasing mods and updates on a regular basis (latest updates were 3 days ago actually).

We are quite capable of doing the coding, finding the time to do all of the things people want on the other hand is quite difficult.

Unlike some other companies we could mention, we do not promise mods or code and then not release a single thing for months at a time - we have been releasing new mods and updates on almost a weekly basis - It just so happens that Deceptor (Who is coding the quiz mod) is also the person who steps in to help with other mods, does a lot of the optimization for other mods as well as several other things.

Feel free to look back through our news posts on the main page if you need some proof that we "can do the coding" ;)
