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Papa Bear

Ok.I cant seem to get this to work on my VBAdvanced home page..I have read where a couple others had this problem but cant find a answer on how to fix it..However I can get it to work fine on the regular forum page
vBAdvanced uses a non-standard method of initialising its environment. This means mods are going to be incompatible unless they are explicitly coded to support it.

I'd love to be corrected wrong when I say that to my knowledge there's no way to get vBSlider or vBShout to work in vBAdvanced without running into various degrees of compatibility issues :(
In the previous version, you could create a module and paste in some code which would allow it to work. In the Beta, I had never tested this out, as I was primarily trying to get the product working in general for vB4.

With that said, I'd be interested in seeing if the same module setup would work with the new instances, although if Fillip H. says its not possible, I'd probably trust his experience.
I have never tried anything like that with vBAdvanced - I just speak based on people's reports with vBShout.

You could try it yourself - the Instance Management code has the instructions for manual deployment. Follow those and you can try putting that code in a vBAdvanced module.
For other searching for how to put this slider in a vbadvanced, here is the link:

Not sure if you will ever read this thread again, but Thanks for posting your info. I have been using the vbslider on my vbadvanced homepage back around Jan. 2012. I paid someone to do it when it was installed. Now I'm reinstalling everything for it due to someone messing up some files by mistake. I was using a different slider prior to this one but was not stable. Just glad this setup came along.
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Legacy vBSlider

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